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February 2025 Forums General discussion Check this…

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  • #81311

    As there was nowt to disagree with I signed and used the thousand characters allowed in the comment box to post this.It’s difficult to disagree with any of these principles however your charter makes no mention of democracy, this is essential as the only responsible way to deal with social responsiblity responsibly, is to share it. Also it makes no reference to the class nature of society, in that there is a minority that through their control of the means of producing can live without working by employing (using exploiting) the majority who own no more than their ablity to work. Also as all societies are social relationships, so it must follow that the more we know about what we are relating with and who we are relating to the more human, therefore the more fuctional that relationship will be. The study of genetics has reveald that we all share the same ancestors and so are all members of one family and in a family that functions the ethic that is acknowleged is “from each according to ability, to each according to need”. To find principles formulated in 1904 go here:-


    Excellent comment Zundap!


    Yeah, seconded there, good reply. Worth the old cut’n’paste into other stuff!

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