Cameron calls for capitalist ideas to be indoctrinated

January 2025 Forums General discussion Cameron calls for capitalist ideas to be indoctrinated

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    steve colborn

    Capitalism to be on the school curriculum.Jingoism and nationalism about war, even though we have a month and a half until 2014.Next we will have the American way of swearing allegiance to the flag before all school days start.Yes, it's a "Brave New World" indeed! Steve Colborn.

    Speaking at the Lord Mayor’s banquet in the City, he called for a culture “that values that typically British, entrepreneurial, buccaneering spirit”

    Serious or not he needs to look up the meaning of the word 'buccaneer'. According to my dictionary it means: 1.] pirate; 2.] an unscrupulous adventurer. Hold on… he was speaking to a gathering of thieves and parasites….


    Indeed Hollyhead and that was the line that the blog took


    There are some good replies to  Camoron on the Mirror's web page. I reproduce three here: "When we hear about Communism being indoctrinated into children in the ex Soviet union and in China everyone talks about how evil it to brainwash children into supporting the current socio-economic regime but indoctrinating capitalism into children is no different. However, you could say that there are already schemes in schools which emphasise the benefits of capitalism. Many schools run a young enterprise group with the aim being to make a product, sell it and make as much profit as you can ……." and: "Definitions of Buccaneering.- Showing boldness and enterprise, as in business, often to the point of recklessness or unscrupulousness. – The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.- Hijacking on the high seas or in similar contexts; taking a ship or plane away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it."and:"Please lets NOT teach capitalism, it doesn't work. Let's teach humanism and environmentalism instead." All indicating that Daily Mirror readers are not  as dim as they would have us believe.    

    steve colborn

      David Cameron, in his Lord Mayor's banquet speech, called for "Capitalism" lessons in schools. He called for a culture "that values that typical British, entrepreneurial, buccaneering spirit". Well Dave, you said a mouthful there!Capitalism, a system of society that lurches from one crisis to another, like a drunken man on a pub crawl. That puts profit before human need, or the fulfilment of the same. That condemns at least 2 billion people, one third of the worlds population, to live in the vilest of conditions. Without even clean water, sanitation, or sufficient food for adequate survival. Whilst at the same time, an infinitesimally small section of the worlds population, live in such luxury, as to make the fabled Solomon envious.Buccaneer, basically a pirate, an unscrupulous adventurer. Historically, one can understand the wealthy using these as "laudable" examples. Did not the ruling elite make Franny Drake and Mr Raleigh Sirs? and they were no more nor less than pirates, or as they liked to be called, privateers. So now we know where your inspiration comes from Dave!He went further, however. To us, the vast majority, he boldly said that austerity would drag on, when he stated "we need to do more with less. Permanently". He wasn't talking about himself and his wealthy mates either. None of the, "we are in it together" garbage.Finally, Dave said Britain needed to, "support, reward and celebrate enterprise". In 1987, as if calling on past Capitalist crisis and presaging those yet to come, the RORO ferry,  Herald of Free Enterprise capsized, killing 193 passengers and crew. This speech, another "Herald for" free enterprise, will lead to even more suffering, as the austerity cuts bite, ever more savagely and most assuredly, more deaths will follow.It is interesting to note, that in the same year as the Herald capsized, her sister ship, the Spirit of Free Enterprise was renamed, the Pride of Kent.What chance then, of a rethink on the attack on "ordinary" folk? What chance of workers organising to create a society based on, "from each according to ability, to each according to need". Now there's an interesting thought! Stevie C.


    Major problem for socialists is that workers have already internalised the capitalist perspective which sees capitalism as the only natural and viable method of organising society. The greatest success that the bourgeoise has globally  been able to completely marginalise any socialist perspective. Of course it's useful to argue that all previous perspectives that called themselves socialist weren't in fact socialist but in fact a form of state capitalist but many workers did see them as being socialist and did in fact take some inspiration that a more humane form of society was possible. Now this has largely dissapeared and in fact needs to be rebuilt and internalised by workers as being part of their life and as part of their future.One positive however is that capitalism will continue to fail globally and workers will be forced into struggles however unevenly and sporadically against the effects of capitalist accumulation. When workers decide that enough is enough and that the increase in inequality has further developed while the wealthy grows even more wealthy then the seeds of the socialist argument will find an audience.

    steve colborn

    Here's Cameron making that speech and calling for austerity. From here:


    He looks like he is suffering with us!  We are all in this together are we? I would have shown contrasting images of homelessness but don't know how   


    Of course, he made this speech at a City of London do , that quasi independent state within the UK. The Real Corporation

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