Bonfire of Austerity: 5 November

January 2025 Forums Events and announcements Bonfire of Austerity: 5 November

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    For bonfire night the People's Assembly are planning events in various parts of the country(some where we have branches or groups). For details, see:


    You have all the fun. Why is it more socialist there also?


    For anyone who is interested –

    Embargo: For immediate publication
    Attention: news, political and planning correspondents

    Anti-austerity campaigners to hold ‘Bonfire of Austerity’ protests & civil

    Anti-austerity campaigners will tomorrow (Tuesday 4 November) join a national
    day of protest and civil disobedience by holding protests and direct action
    across the UK.

    Campaigners will highlight the human cost of the government’s cuts programme
    which has seen many local services decimated, jobs lost, wages frozen and the
    benefits which supported some of the neediest in our community drastically

    40 towns and cities will see ‘Bonfire of Austerity’ events, including a mass
    occupation of Westminster Bridge in London where campaigners will ceremonially
    burn their energy bills.

    Peoples' Assembly co-ordinator Sam Fairbairn said, “This government chose to
    punish those least responsible for the economic crisis whilst letting the
    bankers carry on as before. It might be back to boom time in the City of
    London, but most households round here are struggling with frozen wages and
    soaring energy bills.

    “Cameron’s self-defeating austerity is still sucking the life out of places
    like London – but there’s a growing movement fighting back. Through the
    National People’s Assembly Against Austerity, we’ve brought together many
    groups, from NHS campaigners and pensioners to trade unionists and those hit
    by the bedroom tax. This firework night we’ll be holding a Bonfire of
    Austerity where Cameron’s policies will be going up in flames – over the
    coming months we’ll be working to make sure the actual policies disappear
    almost as quickly.”

    The wave of protests has been called by the People’s Assembly Against
    Austerity, with journalist and campaigner Owen Jones saying, “We're going
    through the longest fall in workers' pay-packets since Queen Victoria sat on
    the throne. The Big Six energy companies are holding the country to ransom,
    and drive millions into fuel poverty. The Tories are building a Britain of
    food banks, legal loan sharks and zero hour contract workers. Millions
    languish on social housing waiting lists. In years to come, many of us will be
    asked what we did to stop this horror show. That's why it's time to tap into
    our country's proud tradition of protest and civil disobedience, and make loud
    and clear our demand for an alternative to the failure of austerity."

    What: Bonfire of Austerity, burning energy bills on Westminster Bridge along
    with campaigners from many groups, including trades unions, political parties
    and pressure groups.

    Where: Westminster Bridge, London

    When: Gathering at 6pm on Tuesday, 5 November. Fireworks and burning of energy
    bills at 7pm

    For interviews call: 07412019623, 07872481769, 07970126249


    Good thing or not? I think it's more a sign that a lot of the left has given up on the working class achieving anything positive. In it's place is this fetish of small group activity which seeks to appeal to the conscience of the capitallist class to halt the austerity attacks. Also it gives an opening for left celebs such as Owen Jones to think that he is doing something useful. Or maybe I'm just an embittered old socialist who can't see new opportunities.

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