Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers

February 2025 Forums General discussion Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers

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  • #255931

    At the beginning of Millei presidency he said that he was not going to make deal with communists in regard to old agreement made between the Peronists government and China, and new agreement under his government, but as a right wing demagogue the situation is changing, it was just parrot talking. Chile which is close to Argentina border is the backdoor of Chinese commercial deal in the southern part of South America. The real threat for the USA ruling is not the Chinese influence in the Panama Canal, the challenging is commerical routes


    This is not the right thread for this, but the others I considered aren’t either. There ought to be a way to search for threads by thread-name. There is probably one called ‘inflation’. (Or several that at least have ‘inflation’ in the name.)

    Anyway, here, international busybody Musk praises (as ‘perfectly articulated’) the explanation of, and cure for, inflation preached to a group of industrial workers by the next Canadian prime minister:

    showing that the Conservatives are the party of the ‘have-nots’ while the Liberals are the party of those with yachts.


    The Canadian Tory party leader Pierre Poilievre seems to be confusing overissuing cash with quantitative easing.

    Overissuing “cash” (the word he uses) in the generally accepted meaning of the term (of notes and coins) would cause the general price level to rise as he says. But QE was designed to cause only asset prices to rise. It didn’t affect the price of apples (his example).

    But it did have the effect he says of making the rich richer. That was the intention. The authorities thought that if the rich and corporations had more money they would invest more. It didn’t work as, in the absence of profitable markets, they didn’t.

    Whether the have-yatchs who tend to support his party appreciate him criticising their feeding trough can be open to doubt, but they will understand the need to dupe the workers into supporting a party that supports them.

    In any event, QE was not used to finance government spending as he seems to be suggesting.

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