Another grandson

July 2024 Forums General discussion Another grandson

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    After Kautsky and Guevara, Trotsky had a grandson too;

    If I had to choose between those three to have as grandfather it would have to be Kautsky.

    Mind you, I wouldn’t want to be judged by what my grandfathers were. One was a Freemason, the other a Plymouth Brethren preacher.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by ALB.

    This is what the WSWS has said about him and his family.

    The real historical event is that Trotsky was assassinated by an Ex-Trotskyist, the followers of Trotsky that were protecting Trotsky in Mexico new Mercader, that is the reason why it was easy for him to enter the house, and there are some indication that the government of Mexico let the KBG agent to enter Mexico, and then he was exiled in Cuba.

    The wife of Trotsky in some way accepted the concept of state capitalism as a world phenomenon, a theory that was presented by CLR James and Dunayeskaya to the socialist party and it was rejected,

    Trotsky wife had contradictions with the leadership of the fourth international

    Trotsky view was that all property under state control was socialism which motivated the creation of the workers state degenerated which is an absurd idea


    Paradoxically too, grandfather Kautsky would be gung-ho for the war in 1914, whereas grandfather Trotsky was anti-war.


    But he wasn’t as I pointed out before and you accepted. That he was “gung-ho” for the war was a slander put about by Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks. Trotsky, on the other hand, was gung-ho for the Russian invasion of Poland of 1919 and was actually one of the commanders of the Russian army.


    Trotsky was in charge of the Red Army during the massacre of the Marines, the writer of his biography ( 3 volumes ) Issac Deutscher indicated that due to his despotic character he lost popularity within the working class, and it was a pretext used by Stalin to take control of the Bolshevik Party. Trotsky also supported the pact between Stalin and Hitler

    Trotsky and Stalin: rival leaders


    Book Review: ‘Murder in Mexico – The Assassination of Leon Trotsky’

    Murder in Mexico by Salazar

    Trotsky’s Killer

    Trotsky Killer exiled in Cuba

    The Communist Party of Cuba was founded by Stalinists




    The Truth About Trotsky. Anarchist Communist Group. ACG/Stormy Petrel, 2021. 81pp.

    In 1937 Leon Trotsky, from his exile in Central America, wrote an account of the murderous rule of Stalin in Bolshevik Russia. He entitled it The Crimes of Stalin. This new ACG pamphlet also deals with the brutal acts of Bolshevism but those carried out not by Stalin but, ironical as it may seem, by Trotsky. Trotsky’s activities pre-date the coming to monolithic power of Stalin in 1924 but are shown to be hardly less savage and ruthless.

    In a series of short chapters the pamphlet analyses in significant detail the actions of Trotsky in ordering and directing the elimination, sometimes on a mass scale, of those he considered in any sense obstacles to the consolidation of Bolshevik power in the period of ‘war communism’ after 1917. Chapter titles such as ‘Trotsky as an Advocate of Concentration Camps’, ‘Shootings for Deserters’, ‘Shooting for Drunkenness’ and ‘Trotsky and Poison Gas’ tell their own tale of cruelty and brutality and in their narrative illustrate the utter and perhaps pathological ruthlessness of Trotsky as commander-in-chief of the Red Army. A prime example is the much-documented mass slaughter of the sailors of Kronstadt in 1921. The sailors, who had been staunch supporters of the revolution in 1917 but were now disgruntled over their worsening living conditions and seen to be challenging the new Russian (state capitalist) state. As the pamphlet puts it: ‘The revolt was drowned in blood, with thousands shot and many sent to the Solovki camps.’ The event is re-examined here and Trotsky’s later excuse that the sailors were ‘counter-revolutionaries’ and not the same ones as in 1917 is dismissed as false. And in earlier episodes we read how ‘the Bolsheviks reacted to the strike at the Putilov plant in Petrograd by shooting 200 workers. Then ‘in Astrakhan, the Bolsheviks fired on an assembly of 10,000 metalworkers, injuring 2,000 of them’ and ‘this was followed by 400 executions by the Cheka, with Trotsky, as War Commissar, sending his approval’.

    Yet Trotsky still has many followers on the political left. One book recently talked about his ‘extraordinary vision’ and he is often counterposed to Stalin, who is seen as ‘bad’ for the misdeeds he perpetrated in the name of communism or socialism, while Trotsky, banished by Stalin and then murdered on his orders is seen as ‘good’. Soviet Russia, we are sometimes told, would have had a different trajectory if Trotsky and not Stalin had succeeded Lenin as its leader. Yet nothing we know and which is recapitulated here about Trotsky’s ‘crimes’ suggests that he would have been any less capable than Stalin of tyrannous dictatorial rule over a country far too backward at the time for the development of anything other than centralised state capitalism. So his influence today among many who would consider their ideas about social and political change as being progressive is nothing if not misplaced, both in view of his activities when alive, the theories (such as ‘permanent revolution’) that he left behind and the view he shared with Lenin of the need for a Party to ‘lead’ workers to revolution. In the event he ended up a victim of the system he had been one of the prime architects of, ‘consumed’, as this pamphlet has it ‘by a murderous reaction that he had helped to create’.


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