September 2024 Forums Website / Technical ANNOUNCEMENT: Server Move

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  • #82963

    Scheduled maintenance work will mean that this website will be unaccessible for a few hours late PM UK time tomorrow.

    We will be moving to a new faster running web server.

    For the following 48hr period you may notice that the site will be displaying the following URL, this is a temporary web address so that the site can still be accessed during the period it takes for DNS changes to propagate. The temporary web address will be requests to the normal address will be automatically redirected here.

    Following the move if you notice anything not functioning as it should do please report here so that it can be fixed. 


    Due to unforeseen issues this has been postponed until a fortnights time. Apologies for any inconvenience.


    UPDATE: We are going to attempt the move again this evening. The site will be unavailable for a few hours from around 6pm UK time.


    Server migration has now complete. An increase in page loading times should now be apparent, especially if you view the site whilst logged out.Again, any technical problems, missing images or pages please report here so it can be remedied.

    admin wrote:
    Server migration has now complete. An increase in page loading times should now be apparent, especially if you view the site whilst logged out.Again, any technical problems, missing images or pages please report here so it can be remedied.

    Shouldn't that read "a decrease in page loading times"?    


    Ah yes. A decrease in page loading time, but an increase in responsiveness. But now know that the auto email notifications are working to. 


    Yes, that's good.  I see that the onsite search facility is working nicely again so presumably the 'google search' alternative option can now be removed?


    In tests only 84 percent of the site indexed. The index is now being rebuilt and is currently only at 3 percent, it will take a couple of days to complete. You will get more results if you use the google option. I guess I should change the wording of explanation to go with it.We may yet need to get help so that all of the site shows up in searches…

    J Surman
    admin wrote:
    Server migration has now complete. An increase in page loading times should now be apparent, especially if you view the site whilst logged out.

    Thanks Admin – much appreciated. Working daily on a 2G mobile connection can be SO frustrating. The difference in loading speed today on this site is truly amazing. I'm just about to check out the search facility – something I'm usually loathe to do.Cheers!


    I agree – the improvement in response times makes the forum much more pleasant to use.


    Will you please keep the Google alternative search as well?I like the option of using it to do the site and the web.

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