A dumbed-down populace.

February 2025 Forums General discussion A dumbed-down populace.

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  • #251566

    Yes. Party members poo poo my bibliophiliac anti-digitalism and anti-lumpenism on one hand, but are highly intellectual and traditional in their framing of our political message.

    Bijou Drains

    I must be some kind of genius then, it makes perfect sense to me:

    The people who are voting will vote to elect an assembly, and that assembly will watch the Mayor who will then ask a government for money, they (the government) will ask for this money from the people who own the country for that money.

    It’s not that hard, Lizzie, perhaps your not as cunning a linguist as you claim!

    You might try this one as a homework exercise:

    “Now the fascinating witches who put the scintillating stitches in the britches
    Of the boys who put the powder on the noses of the faces of the ladies
    Of the harem of the court of King Caractacus
    Were just passing by”

    Altogether now!


    It’s not that hard, Lizzie, perhaps your not as cunning a linguist as you claim!

    I don’t claim to be a cunning linguist (snigger) although being reasonably fluent in four languages makes me quite a clever girlie. I also know the difference between your and you’re, their and there and Carlisle and Carlise.


    You both win a Knickerbocker Glory.

    Bijou Drains

    Note to self, don’t go on the forum when you’re (sic) also on the beer!


    As for people not looking at atlases any more, i stand corrected. They don’t know what an atlas is.

    Bijou Drains

    Well, look at the bright side, at least you didn’t put a bet on the SPGB putting forward two candidates, one in Clapham and one in Folkstone and Hythe.


    Don’t think the working class is dumbing down, but Tory MPs seem to be getting even thicker!


    And here’s a look on the bright side too: Suddenly, children’s books are appearing in Latin!

    All the Harry Potters, Alice in Wonderland are now joining the list with Pooh and Asterix.

    As Miranda would say, “What’s happening?”

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