Re:  #830 and #831It was

May 2024 Forums General discussion Science for Communists? Re:  #830 and #831It was


Re:  #830 and #831It was Marx—not Engels—who criticizes Feuerbach for failing to conceive “human practice itself as objective practice”¹  and “sensuousness as practical, human-sensuous activity”.² Nobody respects your duplicitous ploy of wriggling out of a fix, by swapping Engels—universally detested scapegoat for the Leninist Left’s miserable failings—in place of Marx.Marx has just said that social life depends on our universal apprehension of sensuous and practical objectivity.³ You, an anti-objective social constructionist, flatly deny Marx—not Engels.If you aren’t inclined to critique my exposure of the hitherto-unnoticed⁴  “objectivity-of-social-practice” thread running through Marx’s—not Engels’s—Theses on Feuerbach, then you might favour us by solving a much simpler problem that we ordinary folks can only accomplish daily by taking our apprehension of sensuous and practical activity as objective:Unlike the rest of us, you do not take our sensuously perceived shoes and shoelaces as objective sensuousness.Unlike the rest of us, you do not take our shoelace-tying practice as objective practice.How then, unlike the rest of us, do you—an anti-objective social constructionist—manage to anti-objectively tie anti-objective shoelaces on anti-objective shoes by anti-objective practice, unless your anti-objective conceptions of anti-shoes, anti-shoelaces, anti-shoelace-tying, and the anti-world in which this anti-objective mystery is anti-objectively acted out are actually objective in the first place—and are all actually conceived by you to be objective?And don’t you ever again presume to respond by playing that dirty switching game on us again.  You know precisely who wrote what.Notes ⁽¹⁾ Thesis I. ⁽²⁾ Thesis V. ⁽³⁾ Whether our comprehension of such objectivity is adequate to it is the subject of Thesis II. ⁽⁴⁾ Unnoticed,  because most Marx “scholarship”—whose quality I’ve occasionally exposed here as appalling—has been conducted by Leninist academics who support voluntarism, which is actually ambivalent on objectivity.