Marxism Festival 2017, 6-9 July, UCL London

September 2024 Forums Events and announcements Marxism Festival 2017, 6-9 July, UCL London

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    I thought twice about posting this, but as it is four years on since their 'Healy moment' … the recruit-a-thon makes its annual return, safe spaces be damned;

    Taking place at UCL IoE, Friends Meeting House and Student Central (formerly University of London union)

    The star turn of over 150 meetings over four days will be 'Stalinicos' spin on the Russian Revolution on Sun 11:45 followed closely by John 'forcing workers to work at gunpoint' Molyneux's new book launch 'Lenin for Today' on Sat at 10, bring your own bulletproof vest.

    If nobody has claimed 'Lenin was a liberal' by Amy Leather's 'Lenin's State and Revolution' talk, will someone go to 'sectarian alley' and see what's happened to Weekly Worker before the closing foot-stomping ovation-raising Arirang Mass Game Festival also known as closing rally? Practise the mantra 'people are angry, the Tory government are weak …', an old favourite if you know the words.


    There is also a talk on 'Historical Materialism'

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