Donald Trump attacked the historian Howard Zinn and the Zinn Project

May 2024 Forums General discussion Donald Trump attacked the historian Howard Zinn and the Zinn Project

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    If they want to attack a true Historian like Howard Zinn, they are going to attack the historian  Gerald Horne who does not agree with the historical passages which has been taught for  that 25o years based on lies and mythologies. Another historian which is never mentioned is John Alan


    The historian Gerald Horne  has said that after Trump speech on US history, the sales of his history books have increased


    “Conceptualizing the Caribbean from Juan Bosch and Eric Williams: 50 years from Christopher Columbus to Fidel Castro”

    These two books describing the history of the Americas from Christopher Colombus to Fidel Castro describe debunk with much more details the history of slavery and the debunking the history of Christopher Colombus, the assassination of the natives, and the colonization of the Caribbean islands.

    Juan Bosh never attended any university but he became a self-educated historian and sociologist and he received a Doctor Honoris degree and he was a teacher at the University of Puerto Rico

    CLR James also covers the history of slavery in Haiti and the influences of the Haitian revolution around the world. Probably Trump does not know that the slave’s revolt in Haiti forced France to sell  the territory of Lousiana to the USA  in order to finance the war


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