James Petras is another

May 2024 Forums General discussion Oil and War James Petras is another


James Petras is another typical conspiracionist, and he does not have a clue of what is going on around the world, for him, the main problem around the world is the US imperialism, and the big corporations, the state of Israel and Zionism. He is just another Noam Chomsky. Up to know I have not seen any so called American socialist intellectual with a clear view about the world, and with a clear view of what socialism is,  they are all confused. He is a left winger that was supporting Fidel Castro, Che Guevara,  and the government of Cuba, and then, he changed gear, and started supporting Hugo Chavez and the government of Venezuela, because according to him Chavez was in a much better political stand, but the thing is that Chavez was only a pupil of Castro, who is also a supporter of conspiracionist theories, who made a big deal about the conspiracionist Daniel Estulin who think that the world is control by one family I do not pay too much attention to any of his wittings, must of them are based on false argumentation. His reasoning about Latin America are based on bourgeois regional  nationalism