Gaspers: Patriotic Fervour
A boom in the sale of American flags was reported today by the Wall Street Journal. This is attributed to the fighting in Vietnam and the normal wartime increase in patriotic fervour . . . (Daily Telegraph, 4/7/67.)
I was almost stunned by the Foreign Secretary’s statement. Once or twice I thought I was listening to myself.” (Duncan Sandys in the debate on Aden. House of Commons, 19/6/67.)
‘‘We thought just because we’d passed the Education Act and the National Health Service Act we’d ended poverty but we hadn’t done anything of the kind.” (Professor Richard Titmuss, Sunday Times, 9/7/67.)
“. . . the Ministry regards it as important that every working man should have a living wage, but the difficulty is defining a living wage.” (Roy Hattersley, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour, House of Commons, (10/7/67.)
“All these arguments, remember, were based on the Bible. Thank God, in most of those issues wiser counsels have prevailed.” (The Rev. W. Grahame Bailey, at the general assembly of the Church of Scotland. The Times, 24/5/67.)