Winter Lectures
Winter indoor propaganda has been arranged for branches with lectures following branch business in many instances, apart from specially organised propaganda meetings. In London, the Propaganda Committee have planned a series of theoretical lectures at Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Victoria. Five weekly lectures, commencing Sunday, November 8th to December 6th. The lectures commence at 7.30 p.m. promptly. These should prove very interesting and useful for members and sympathisers, and if, as hoped, the series prove successful, a further programme will be arranged for the New Year. Regular support will ensure this. Full details on the “Meetings” page.
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Gilmac in America
A brief resume of Comrade Gilmac’s trip is on this page. . . . There is no doubt that the visit was excellent in every way, and it is hoped, that such annual visits will become regular, and that our comrades from the West will, in the not too distant future, be able to pay reciprocal visits to Britain.
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Bethnal Green Election
The team work of many comrades before and during the election was very stimulating. Details of the campaign are given on page. .. .
During the Campaign a lot of canvassing of the S.S. took place and the total sales were something like 500 copies. Canvassing had, prior to the election, been taking place in an intensive way for a couple of years.
We want to make a particular effort here to recall on these S.S. buyers, and for this reason, we have made the following canvassing arrangements. We hope as many members as possible can come along to help, as there is a lot of work to be done.
Sunday, 1st November, 11 a.m. – Regal Cinema, Well Street.
Friday, 6th November. 7.30 p.m. – Regal Cinema, Well Street,
Sunday, 8th November, 11 a.m. – York Hall, Cambridge Heath Road.
Sunday, 15th November, 11 a.m. – York Hall, Cambridge Heath Road.
Friday, 20th November, 7.30 p.m. – Odeon Cinema, Hackney Road.
Sunday, 22nd November, 11 a.m. – Odeon Cinema, Hackney Road.
Sunday, 29th November, 11 a.m. – Regal Cinema, Well Street.
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Nottingham Branch
Nottingham Branch continues well with outdoor propaganda. During the pre-Election week-end, Comrades Baldwin and D’Arcy held propaganda meetings very successfully, despite the fact that at one meeting the Labour Party candidate and his supporters became agitated because they wished to hasten our meeting so that they could address the crowd. This was not greatly appreciated by the Nottingham audience who give regular support to our meetings, which are held every week-end—election or no election. During the week-end, many pamphlets were sold, as it was so early in the month, the October Standards had not then arrived.
Ealing Branch
Will all members and sympathisers note that the Economics Class has now begun and will continue fortnightly, alternating with ordinary Branch business meetings. The second class will be on Friday, 13th November, commencing 8 p.m. sharp.