Letters: Answers to Correspondents

Several replies are held over owing to pressure on space.
Ed. Comm.


P.P.M. (W.1).


Our reply to your questions on value has again been crowded out.


We note that our replies to earlier questions on other subjects have had the result of evoking laughter from “literally a score (or more) educated Socialists.” We notice, however, that you did not follow up by pointing out to us the supposed fallacies in our replies.


Incidentally, while you may be a good judge of what constitutes education, are you perhaps hardly competent to recognise what constitutes a Socialist? We have in mind an earlier letter (“S.S.,” February, 1937), in which you informed us that “Real Socialism never can or will be achieved in this country . . .”


If your “educated Socialists” did not laugh at that it can only be that they are not Socialists.
Ed. Comm.