Party News: The Freedom of the Press!

Our lectures have been advertised for some time past in the Daily Worker but that is now over. The “Communists” daily has returned our advertisements and money with the statement that they cannot accept our advertisements. No doubt if we agreed to no longer criticise the Communist policy they would open their columns again to us. These “anti fascist” freedom lovers of the Daily Worker were very bitter about the tyranny of the Press recently, when the Observer refused the publishers advertisement of Langdon Davies’s book on Spain. Now they follow the Observer and won’t advertise meetings where their policy is criticised.


In future only Football Pools, Popular Front Parsons, Christian Socialists, the Duchess of Atholl, Lord Allen of Hurtwood, Labour Parties, Liberal United-Fronters, and their own yes-men may be advertised in the Daily Worker.


We therefore ask our readers to make our lectures known. Come yourselves, bring a friend, and help us to advertise in non-Communist journals which have a little of bourgeois democracy left.

