Russian Tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


  • This topic has 5,219 replies, 38 voices, and was last updated 4 weeks ago by ALB.
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  • #241757

    Lizzie45 – “Absolutely spot on, TS. I’m beginning to think this list should be renamed the alanjjohnstone forum.”

    You can ignore if you so wish all my repeated efforts to maintain civility on this forum and bring an end to the exchange of childish name-calling.

    You are free to complain to the internet committee that appointed me to the moderator role and who possesses the authority to replace me


    I should warn you that many members have urged that I should expel True Scotsman from the forum as a disruptive presence that discourages participation and I have always refused to do so.

    Perhaps Lizzie45 dislike that I make many attempts to create or continue topics to further discussion and debate.


    TS – “Did you not say “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” when referring to the CIA? We both know you did say that”


    I don’t recall Alan ever suggesting that the CIA was “our friend”. The idea is preposterous. [ABUSE DELETED BY MODERATOR]

    It is hilarious that this individual should now be striving to take the moral high ground in suggesting that he does not wish for Ukraine to be turned into a “radioactive hell-hole”. Yet he has no moral scruples whatsoever about wanting to turn fellow workers into “fertilizer” in the cause of promoting Russian capitalism´s interests as opposed to the interests of Ukrainian capitalism.

    BD is spot on. These truly are the sentiments of a true nazi. What does it matter that the instrument of mass murder is conventional warfare or nuclear warfare? Mass murder is mass murder and this is what TS clearly endorses with his sick warmongering and putrid nationalism.


    We are all aware of the USA attitude to the ICC, the authority it claims to invade the Hague.

    Russia now claims a similar right.

    Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said, “It’s quite possible to imagine a hypersonic missile being fired from the North Sea from a Russian ship at The Hague courthouse.” He added: “Everyone walks under God and rockets… Look carefully to the sky…”

    Just as the USA banned ICC investigators from collating evidence, Russia has brought a criminal case against the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor and judges who issued an arrest warrant for Putin on war crimes charges.


    “And are you going to “man up” about the fact that you supported Hitler’s logic for the annexation of the Sudetenland? True Nazi”

    Lol. I did no such thing.


    “I don’t recall Alan ever suggesting that the CIA was “our friend”. The idea is preposterous.”

    He most certainly did. On the Hong Kong thread. Ask him yourself.


    “Yet he has no moral scruples whatsoever about wanting to turn fellow workers into “fertilizer” in the cause of promoting Russian capitalism´s interests as opposed to the interests of Ukrainian capitalism.”

    And the Waffen SS were just “fellow workers”? Clown.


    And the Waffen SS were just “fellow workers”? Clown.


    “Clown” yourself. They are sadly deluded fellow workers just like you. And you share the same ideology as them. You’re a warmongering fascist. Using fascist methods of dealing with opponents like “turning them into fertilizer”, for example, only reproduces and reinforces a fascist outlook. Pretty obvious in your case….


    “They are sadly deluded fellow workers just like you.”

    No, not like me. I haven’t been storming around Europe exterminating innocents. So how is one to deal with people storming about murdering innocents?

    Bijou Drains

    True Nazi (wannabee Stormtrooper) “I haven’t been storming around Europe exterminating innocents.”

    Perhaps not, but you have been applauding the extermination of innocents. The reason you haven’t been involved is not because of any political or moral principle, merely that you are too full of chicken shit to join up with the process you have been encouraging.

    Bijou Drains

    “And are you going to “man up” about the fact that you supported Hitler’s logic for the annexation of the Sudetenland? True Nazi”

    Lol. I did no such thing.

    As you well know, I susbtituted the words Czechoslovakia with Ukraine in one of Hitler’s speeches about the Sudentenland, and told you (the guy who is never fooled) that it was Putin. You then replied that you supported the speech fully.

    Bijou Drains

    True cowardly Nazi says re me “I suspect he’s a juvenile still in his teens‘

    Sadly, and as usual, our fascist friend is wrong.

    However, we can add ageism to homophobia and ableism to the list. Also working on the fact that he supports the speeches of Hitler we can probably add antisemitism, racism and several other forms of prejudice as well.

    He’s certainly consistent in his presentation.


    “Perhaps not, but you have been applauding the extermination of innocents.”

    Like those innocent Waffen SS “workers”? I’ll ask again since you avoided the question, how does one deal with “workers” who are rampaging about slaughtering the innocent?


    “As you well know, I susbtituted the words Czechoslovakia with Ukraine in one of Hitler’s speeches about the Sudentenland”

    Lol. You are a clown. So there’s Hitlerian logic now is there? And Hitlerian mathmatics? What about Hitlerian physics and chemistry? I support Russia’s defence of Dondass and its fight against Banderite fascism. Pure and simple.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    All-in with the CIA, your failure to address the issue of your comment regarding the CIA being a friend of yours is blindingly obvious. Please answer the charge. Did you say, regarding the CIA, that the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Your future failure to answer the charge will be interpreted as an admission of guilt.

    Bijou Drains

    I didn’t say Hitlerian, I said you followed the logic that Hitler did to justify the annexation of the Sudetenland. That is, the logic of Nationalism and capitalist expansionism. You stated that you agreed with that logic, with those exact words.

    If it’s sauce for Hitler’s goose, then it’s sauce for Putin (and your’s) gander.

    Did you agree with Hitler’s words or did you not? The record shows you did.

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