Richard Wolff distorting socialism

January 2025 Forums Comments Richard Wolff distorting socialism

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  • #255671

    This distortion is worst than Lenin, at least Lenin accepted that they were building state capitalism. The problem with this intellectual is that they a big influence within a sector of the working class, it is the blind guiding the blinds. The Cuban government is also saying that they are building socialism with a Cuban character based on bourgeois nationalism

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Caonabo.

    I’m not going to watch this video of Richard Wolff, because I’ve watched too many of his in the past and know that, despite being an ‘intellectual’, his take on socialism is to be seriously avoided – if, for nothing else, because he’s got a serious hard-on for state capitalist China.


    There are other people who can listen to his point of view and make their own decisions.

    The socialist party has always being open to listen to different point of views and we have written several articles about Richard Wolff specially on Cooperatives, and we have indicated that coop is not a socialist conception and that the management is not the solution to this problems of this society.

    In all my websites and discussions forum I publish articles and opinions from different organizations and most of the time I do not agree with their point of view but I want other members to see the point of view of those organizations to be compared with the point of view of the socialist party

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Caonabo.
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