More people choosing a blindfold.

October 2024 Forums General discussion More people choosing a blindfold.

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  • #252728

    The Socialist Party seeks votes from people who agree with its Object and Declaration of Principles (

    The Party encourages votes that are cast consciously for Socialism, and actively discourages all other votes.

    Its political integrity is an essential exemplar of the Socialism it seeks to establish.

    Consequently the Party’s electoral activity is diametrically opposed to that of every other political party and candidate who inevitably find themselves in the desperate position of having to spout vote-catching political drivel about curing social ills that the Socialist Party holds to be indissoluble to the capitalist mode of production.

    Lizzy’s “non-derisory” polling results for such political parties and candidates are not indicative of genuine support. They are indicative measures of the political duping of a socially ignorant electorate — which is the theme of this thread.

    Lizzy’s “non-derisory” results can never be permanent attainments. The history of capitalist elections reveals them to be volatile, and capable of spiriting away as capitalism turns and twists.

    Rather, it is precisely Lizzy’s “non-derisory” results that turn out to be permanently “derisory”.

    Lizzy parades her brilliance before us mingled with malicious glee. Pity might be humanly acceptable but Lizzy’s sneering inhumanity merits only our pity.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by twc.
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by twc.
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by twc.

    In the end, Trevor, it’s not only votes that count but politically conscious ones at that! Regrettably the level of ignorance in the general populace is breathtakingly mind-numbing and shows no signs of abating anytime soon. I doubt the Aussie experience leads you to a different conclusion.

    By the way, kindly demonstrate your brilliance by addressing me as Lizzie, not Lizzy. 🙂


    ” Lizzy’s “non-derisory” results can never be permanent attainments. The history of capitalist elections reveals them to be volatile, and capable of spiriting away as capitalism turns and twists.”

    True. But there is no collective historical memory amongst the workers. As a young man said to me, “I shall vote Labour because i don’t remember a Labour govt.”
    So when they tire of Punch, they vote for Judy, and then back to Punch, ad infinitum.


    Lizzie: “it’s not only votes that count but politically conscious ones at that!”

    False. Your slick paraphrase garbles what I carefully wrote.

    Politically conscious votes — endorsement of a political party’s cunning plan to remedy capitalism’s ills — are the ones that actually do count under capitalism.

    The Socialist Party seeks only class conscious votes — the votes that count toward establishing Socialism.

    That is why I carefully distinguished the necessity of the Socialist Party’s electoral integrity from the electoral duplicity of the vote-cadging rest to fabricate a false “political consciousness”, of which Lizzie is a sad casualty.

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