Key message/theme for the General Election?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Key message/theme for the General Election?

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  • #190256

    Comrades, with a General Election on the horizon its my opinion that we need to start thinking on what our key message/theme is to be for the campaign.

    Having tested my thoughts in straw poll on the streets, of Cardiff with those who stop for a short chat at the stall, what about this:

    “Brexit is, once you scratch the surface, about which is the best format for exploiting the working class.  In or out of the EU?”


    I think the imminent election will be seen as a referendum on Brexit and Remaining so nationalism or internationalism (albeit limited to the EU) will be the basic ideas being presented.

    But being specific about the benefits of in or out, is entering dangerous ground of sectional interests.

    We have to challenge the whole idea of national identity and that neither British nor European expresses being  World Citizen.

    “Neither the UK or the EU but the World is our home”…something along those lines


    Bijou Drains

    How about “Brexit and the EU – Bollocks to them both”


    How about “Neither Brexit nor EU but World Socialism”? But that’s accepting that Brexit or Remain is to be the main issue of the election, whereas we want it to be Capitalism or Socialism?   Obviously we have to mention Brexit if only in passing but I don’t think we should make it our theme as well that of the conventional politicians, should we?


    The other theme that the media may wish to make the headlines (but I don’t think they will) is to make it a personality fight between Boris or Jeremy and concentrate the campaigns on their individual qualities but mostly on their failings, hoping to garner support for the LibDems and the so-called moderate factions within both the Tories and Labour, that the BBC/Guardian appears to emulate more and more.

    SW Region have come up with what they hope is adopted as new slogan

    “World for the Workers, Workers for the World” if we decide to jump on the environmentalist bandwagon but I don’t think climate change will rival Brexit and EU as issues of the day that concern voters.



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