Infinite universe.

February 2025 Forums General discussion Infinite universe.

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    Infinite universe.


    I always saw the Big Bang theory as another version of creation and inability to accept infinity.


    So the Universe will never end, and it never actually began? I think the idea of a Multiverse is more enticing. But like the insane question of whether we exist in a simulation or not, surely there’s no point worrying about these things because they can never be proven. Or disproven?


    I don’t worry about them. But being aware of what is known can help to refute theists and bible-maniacs, who would retort: “So, by the Big Bang, you admit there was a beginning!”

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.

    Equally if the Simulation theory, Multiverse Theory or Infinite Universe were ever proven to be accurate the God Squad would hijack any one of them and state “We told you so!”…


    Forget the big bang, when’s the big crunch? Put us out of our misery universe!


    The infinite universe could never be picked up by the God squad, because for them the universe has to be a created, finite thing. Only their God is infinite.

    As to “simulation”, what a load of crap spawned by The Matrix crowd, who are conspiraloons.

    Also, we need to stop calling the loons conspiracy “theorists. ” They are not theorists. They cannot sit at table with thinkers.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.
    Bijou Drains

    If we are a simulation, what crazed mind created a simulated world that included Jedward?


    All these are pathetic attempts to save “God” and “purpose” from oblivion, and at the back of conspiralunacy is Christian fundamentalism. Because the final “conspiracy” in the eyes of all of them is “to hide God from us” and make out that humans are not the centre of everything and deny that everything exists to serve us. That’s what “the Illuminati are about.”
    Not surprising, since the very writers and thinkers conspiraloons hate most are the materialists and scientists of the past three centuries.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.

    I don’t have much sympathy for Christian fundamentalism or religion in general, but it is interesting to note how religion and communistic/socialistic thinking often went hand in hand in the past. Many workers in nineteenth-century New England (e.g. textile workers) often attacked the developing capitalist system through a religious lens, noting how capitalists were idlers who, among other things, failed to “earn their bread by the sweat of their brow” as stated in Genesis. Here is one example from the labor newspaper The Voice of Industry, in which the editor (William Young) was commenting precisely on this issue:

    If man is a laboring being by nature, what kind of philosophy is that which exempts a portion from fulfilling this law of their natures and allows them to live upon the products of others’ labor, while they lounge about in idleness or waste their energies in unproductive amusements? If labor is honorable and ennobling, should not all become honest and noble by becoming its votaries? and is it not dishonest and degrading to live upon the fruits of others? If labor is a Christian duty, are those Christians, who live without it, or are engaged in vocations useless and injurious to society? (Vol. 1 No. 13, 21 August 1845)

    The same was also the case for many workers and intellectuals in Europe, most notably the utopian socialists. Similarly usury, or the act of obtaining interest from a loan, was for a long time condemned in medieval European Christendom as a sin (see for example Jacques Le Goff’s work Your Money or Your Life). Some might even say that Engels was slightly off the mark when he echoed the description of Das Kapital as the “Bible of the working class”; the working class had already been invoking the actual Bible to argue against capitalism for quite some time prior to the publication of Marx’s magnum opus. Unfortunately many of the Christians today are the obnoxious, right-wing sorts who haven’t carried on this anti-capitalist tradition and instead often worship capitalists and entrepreneurialism.


    “The infinite universe could never be picked up by the God squad, because for them the universe has to be a created, finite thing. Only their God is infinite.”

    So you’ve never read Spinoza?

    “As to “simulation”, what a load of crap spawned by The Matrix crowd, who are conspiraloons.”

    The Matrix is a series of fictional films which are in themselves just a modern update of Descartes arguments for radical scepticism. Descartes ‘evil demon’ just gets swapped for a computer simulation.


    There’s also a great deal of irony in the fact that the far-right use terms like “red-pilled” (a Matrix reference) when the creators of the Matrix are both trans women who have repeatedly told their far-right fans to fuck off…


    The conspiraloons i have known start with Leftist pro-rights and freedom talk, moving to Illuminati conspiracy talk, thence quickly to flat earth, chemtrails, etc., thence to either reptilian rulers or Atlanteanism and Ancient Alienism, thence to Holocaust denial and pro-Hitlerism, ending up as full-blown racism. That’s the trajectory.


    The notion of simulation requires a simulator, hence an Intelligent Designer, hence a God (or Devil), and brings us back to the same human dependency on centrality. People just cannot bear to give up the idea that they are central to everything; that everything exists in order to serve them, be solely interested in them, or bamboozle them. Nothing terrifies them as much as Carl Sagan’s pale blue dot.

    And today’s conspiracism is the latest manifestation of this need to feel significant and important, and watched.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by Thomas_More.

    “The notion of simulation requires a simulator”

    That is true. But radical scepticism is about what we can know (epistemology), not about what there is.

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