Glasgow COP26

March 2025 Forums General discussion Glasgow COP26

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  • #224265

    The ghost-writers for Xi Jinping have been busy greenwashing China’s role in carbon emissions

    China and Solutions to Climate Change


    After all the talking we now have the Glasgow Climate Pact agreed.


    They reached an agreement but nobody is happy. The leaders just took a vacation in Glasgow


    Actually, given capitalism and the division of the world into competing capitalist states with different economic interests, it’s surprising that there was any agreement.

    If the rulers of Indian capitalism didn’t want to commit, for vital economic reasons, to “phasing out” their coal industry there’s nothing the rest of the world can do about it. After all, India is a nuclear power.

    I don’t think our position should be that nothing was achieved in Glasgow but that it was the most than can be achieved under capitalism, and that the only framework within which the problem of global overwarming and climate change can be rationally dealt with is on the basis of world socialism. As then there will be no economic incentives and vested interests holding up what needs to be done.

    It’s time climate activists faced up to the fact that this is the best capitalism can do and stopped trying to pressurise “world leaders” into doing what is required which is something they just cannot do. If the activists continue this strategy they will be diverting time and energy from working to establish the only framework in which the problem can be solved and so postponing its solution.

    I suspect, however, that if they do change their strategy it will be to pressurise individuals to change their lifestyle. Equally futile and counter-productive.


    My fear is that some will resort to extreme actions – eco-terrorism.

    I still remember the Unabomber


    It wouldn’t have to go that far. You have already drawn attention to attacks on what the Americans call SUVs. I imagine attacks on butchers’ shops, car sales rooms, fossil fuelled power stations, airports. All of which have been tried.


    They were letting down tyres of SUVs in Glasgows West End arguing this was a ‘posh’ bit of Glasgow. It is not necessarily so.
    One motorist was chemist needing to travel to Ayrshire I think.

    Bijou Drains

    “They were letting down tyres of SUVs in Glasgows West End arguing this was a ‘posh’ bit of Glasgow. It is not necessarily so.
    One motorist was chemist needing to travel to Ayrshire I think.”

    Another example of the environmental movement, missing the true cause of the environmental and instead attacking other workers.


    They came to some agreement but it will not resolve the problem of the contamination of the earth, they are not going to abandon their capitalist interest to please mankind, even more, they might violate their own agreements


    The first SUV were made to eliminate all the electric cars, and it was a big car with 8 cylinders to consume more gasoline, but now the new suv are smaller and they are called crossover and they have many emission control. In places like California it is very difficult to survive without a car, even more, owning a used car is very problematic that is the reason why many peoples own or lease new cars


    In Britain they are called ”Chelsea tractors” after an upmarket area of London where there is no need to have a four wheel drive vehicle costing tens of thousands of £s. In fact there is no need to have them in any part of London.


    In SEAsia the reason for the popularity of SUVs is the bad state of the pot-holed roads.

    I’ve mentioned it before – the rising number of pampered pets and the environmental impact they inflict – is a taboo topic for many.

    Some Greens will talk of too many people but don’t ever mention dogs and cats.


    Yes, they will probably attack pet shops too !


    XR put the figure at 3.5% for social change. George Monbiot says it is more like 25%, describing it as domino dynamics


    Pet shops aren’t really the problem, but those puppy farms run illicitly to supply the demand and those who
    don’t neuter their animals.

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