General Election 2017 campaign

February 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election 2017 campaign

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  • #126993

    Lol Danny did a great job.  He left do doubt about where we stood and the intro to the party by  Jo thingimyjigg was spot on. 20K twitter followers this time  


    I think the guy is from  the Institute of Directors and a bit of plonker with some of his comments.  Danny did well to stop him in his tracks by calling his reference to Venezuela "cheap"


    Have to say that the introduction to the interview was excellent as was the backdrop.

    gnome wrote:
    Have to say that the introduction to the interview was excellent as was the backdrop.

    Which is the beebs way of providing 'balance'  for all minority candidates and to prepare the viewer for the leading questions.  Noticable Danny succeded in getting the "key message" across.

    gnome wrote:
    Have to say that the introduction to the interview was excellent as was the backdrop.

    My partner was delighted by this. He thought Danny did a great job under the circumstances.


    Here is my Guardian plug. I hope it is up to a reasonable i.e.  'no' bad' standard.

    moderator1 wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    Have to say that the introduction to the interview was excellent as was the backdrop.

    Which is the beebs way of providing 'balance'  for all minority candidates and to prepare the viewer for the leading questions.  Noticable Danny succeded in getting the "key message" across.

    Maybe, but the BBC didn't have to go to the lengths that it did this time.  Contrast the broadcast last Friday with the interview of Danny in the Daily Politics show three years ago. we have sympathisers in high places.

    gnome wrote:
    Evidently we have sympathisers in high places.


    gnome wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    Have to say that the introduction to the interview was excellent as was the backdrop.

    Which is the beebs way of providing 'balance'  for all minority candidates and to prepare the viewer for the leading questions.  Noticable Danny succeded in getting the "key message" across.

    Maybe, but the BBC didn't have to go to the lengths that it did this time.  Contrast the broadcast last Friday with the interview of Danny in the Daily Politics show three years ago. we have sympathisers in high places.

    Not quite, I beg to differ.  The backdrop information only means the beeb are:  1. Doing their homework on our case.  2.  They constantly need to reassure viewers they know their stuff.Its all to do with balance.   Which reminds me that capitalists politicians always dispute the merits of this "balance" so it gets projected in their favour in the future.  Indeed, the Daily Politics intray is mostly to do with complaints of this nature.  To offset this most media interviews are conducted on the basis that interviewees are pre-warned on the general jist of the interview.  


    I'm no friend of the BBC. They are very skilled in their manipulation and we should not fool ourselves that they are our "friends". Has anyone wondered why our interview was conducted so early in the election campaign. A matter of get it over with as soon as possible, and let's get back to "serious" debate, mezinks?Not being a daily avid watcher of the Daily Politics show, can someone tell me what other minor parties were interviewed before and since, this time around?I think some pundits would say that because it was well in advance of the election, the influence of it was intended to be of minimal effect.i await our appearance on Newsnight, the main news plus national and local radio…When Danny is invited on to Questiontime and has David Dimbleby quizzing us, then perhaps i will consider we have "friends" in high paces. But i am not looking a gift horse in the mouth…i'll accept any access to the media, no matter how brief but don't expect me to be grateful for a drop in the ocean. We have to create our own publicity, not rely upon the BBC to give us a platform.


    And if you think i am wrong about the manipulative ways of the BBC, contrast this picture of May and Corbyn and tell me the photo editor was being neutral in the image he or she sought to portray them…


    Our candidate in Islington North (Corbyn's constituency), Bill Martin, will be interviewed on the Jeremy Vine (not to be confused with Jeremy Kyle) programme on BBC Radio 2 on Wednesday 17 May between 12pm and 2pm. It will be the usual two-minutes allowed to "other candidates".

    ALB wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    the confusion caused by us sometimes referring to ourselves as simply 'The Socialist Party'.

    That's not what causes the confusion. It's the other way round. It's the Militant Tendency sometimes calling itself the 'Socialist Party' that causes the confusion.

    OK, whatever.  But they've been calling themselves that since 1997 and unlikely to stop any time soon.  And perish the thought we should use our full name.

    Mike Foster

    The design is eye-catching, and the bulk of the text puts our ideas across in a positive, optimistic way. Sorry, but I'm not sure if the 'don't vote for Brian Johnson' lines work, though.

    Mike Foster

    Good to hear of the radio slot – best of luck, Bill. And I thought Danny did very well on the telly!

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