Free and open discussion on Sticky: Forum Rules

September 2024 Forums Website / Technical Free and open discussion on Sticky: Forum Rules

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    SP. It's pretty much all been covered before, read post #9 in this thread


    DJPDeleting, editing or disallowing posts is a form of censorship. Censors always give "positive" reasons to justify the reduction in free speech.If someone is seen to be disruptive, deal with the issue at hand. I have no problem with warnings and suspensions if people consistently break the rules.If undesirable language or views are faced, destroy their reasoning with better reasoning. It is the socialist way, is it not, to deal with flawed ideas that we consider wrong, by using logical arguments mostly grounded in fact?But do not stop free speech just because it is considered inconvenient by some. Do not stop me from reading, hearing, discussing and expressing just because others think it unsuitable.Ignore me, but don't censor me!

    DJP wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Members were attacked and abused and nothing was being done about it.

    Numerous warnings where given and in the end 2 members temporarily banned, how this amounts to 'nothing being done' is beyond me.However. Comrade, it's time to move on!

    I was refering to the period BEFORE I was warned.And yes it IS time we moved on.


    SP: So deleting threads is "censorship" and bad but outright bans are not "censorship" and good?Think about it this way:Suppose I was to continually post messages about stripping down transit gearboxes into the 'pizza makers forum'. Wouldn't the persistent distraction be an obstruction to the free speech of those who joined the 'pizza makers forum' because they want to know how to make pizzas? How would the moderators of the pizza forum best deal with the episode? Engage in a long discussion on why it is anti-social to post messages about transit gearboxes in forums meant for the discussion of pizzas? This would only contribute from the further derailing of the discussion of pizzas and further encroach on the free speech of those who came to discuss pizza. In certain circumstances it seems simple deleting or moving of posts is the most effective and least disruptive way of dealing with the issuesOn our forums there are no topics which are banned from discussion. All that is required is that posters stick to the rules which are necessary as it is a social space.If you follow your argument against "censorship" to its logical conclusion you would have to argue that we should print every submission sent to the socialist standard, for example.We do and should control the content of party publications. We do not prevent people from issuing their own publications which would be censorship in the real sense.


    Well DJP, that is a very strange argument and justification for the censorship of a socialist party member on a socialist party forum. Gear boxes and pizzas! Please keep on topic


     I am absolutely pissed off at the hypocrisy of some members on this forum.Why are my posts being removed while other members are allowed to openly attack me.See posts 19 and 27I am constantly being spoken to and threatened by adminSee posts 2,6, 23, 29, 32 and 33Admin has spoken to no other member.I reiterate this forum is being administered in an unfair manner and is using censorship. 

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    And yes it IS time we moved on.

    Hear, hear.  I think we should all follow OGW's advice and let it go, and get on with discussing socialism.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    And yes it IS time we moved on.

    Hear, hear.  I think we should all follow OGW's advice and let it go, and get on with discussing socialism.

    I don't think you have read my post properly and I note your sarcasmI can move on when the Forum is fair and at the moment I am being censored and attacked by the same people who were allowed tpo attack me before the case went to the ECSo Yes lets move on


    I wasn't being sarcastic at all.What you wrote was:

    OGW wrote:
    I was refering to the period BEFORE I was warned.And yes it IS time we moved on.

    I can't see any other way of reading that than as a call to move on and let it lie, which i agree with.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I wasn't being sarcastic at all.What you wrote was:

    OGW wrote:
    I was refering to the period BEFORE I was warned.And yes it IS time we moved on.

    I can't see any other way of reading that than as a call to move on and let it lie, which i agree with.

    You can discuss other topics on another part of the forum. You are  derailing my topic. But I would appreciate an ontopic contribution from you. Please read my post no 50, do you think that is fair? unfair? Please keep on topic


    I am on topic, the topic is the forum rules, and it is on topic to say a thread has been talked out. 

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I am on topic, the topic is the forum rules, and it is on topic to say a thread has been talked out. 

    This forum is an absolute joke. It is clear the moderators will say nothing against their buddies, nor remove their posts. After all they will have to face them at the Xmas party


    I don't follow you.  I'm not a moderator.  How does your comment relate to my quoted text?

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I am on topic, the topic is the forum rules, and it is on topic to say a thread has been talked out. 

    This forum is an absolute joke. 

    Contrary to what you might suppose or allege this forum does not resemble Colditz or other similar incarcerative institution; you're free to leave it at anytime.  Give the rest of us 'a break'.

    gnome wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I am on topic, the topic is the forum rules, and it is on topic to say a thread has been talked out. 

    This forum is an absolute joke. 

    Contrary to what you might suppose or allege this forum does not resemble Colditz or other similar incarcerative institution; you're free to leave it at anytime.  Give the rest of us 'a break'.

    As usual a useless offtopic comment from gnome the moderator. Should nickname you 'the sniper'.Why don't you go moderate yourself. You are offtopic.Oh, but I forgot you are unable to apply the forum rules in a balanced way. THAT is why we have this problem. Why don't you and DJP do the forum a favour and resign.

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