EP Thompson’s legacy

February 2025 Forums Events and announcements EP Thompson’s legacy

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    A free lecture at the Working Men's College, Camden, London, (nst tube Mornington Crescent), on Tues. 26th November 2013 @ 7.00p.m.

    WMC 2013-14 Lecture Series
    The Radical Legacy of
    E.P. Thompson
    Tuesday 26 November 2013 at 7pm
    E.P. Thompson , 1924-1993, wrote extensively on late 18th and early 19th century British radical movements. This is the 50th anniversary year of his “The Making of the English Working Class”.
    Professor Roger Fieldhouse : his role & achievements as an educator and his major contribution as a historian.
    Dr Nina Power : how he successfully used the concept of
    ‘class’ across different times and places
    Professor Richard Taylor his commitment to peace campaigning and how this related intimately to his New Left socialist humanism
    Book your free place 
    lectures@wmcollege.ac.uk  020 7255 4748
    Starts 7pm, refreshments from 6.30pm
    Future lectures & events:
    Working Men’s College 
    44 Crowndale Road NW1 1TR

    I went on to Amazon to buy a copy of his book  'The Making of the English Working Class' but I dont think I will be buying one of  these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0575028424/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all  

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I went on to Amazon to buy a copy of his book  'The Making of the English Working Class' but I dont think I will be buying one of  these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0575028424/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all  

     PDFs are not my thing but I think there's a pdf of the book knocking about the net.


    Thanks for the information, comrades but I was having a laugh about the price – about £139!!  Must be first edition or something.I use an ereader with some books but I bought a hard copy of this one.  


    Talking of Raymond Williams (which we weren't but he was one of the same set of ex-CP Marx-influenced writers), the latest issue of Prospect on "Poverty in the UK" has an article by Leanne Wood, the leader of Plaid Cymru, claiming him as one of theirs. In fact Plaid Cymru are making a big thing of this, Wood describing him as "one of the towering figures of the 20th century left".Can it be that he ended up a Welsh Nationalist? Talk about from the sublime to the ridiculous. Or did he make a couple of passing remarks at one stage of his life? Does anyone know?

    ALB wrote:
    Can it be that he ended up a Welsh Nationalist? Talk about from the sublime to the ridiculous. Or did he make a couple of passing remarks at one stage of his life? Does anyone know?

    There's some stuff about Williams' later years here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Williams#Last_years


    Vin, there's a second-hand paperback copy of The Making of the English Working Class amongst the books on sale at our Head Office. Price: £5. You can have it for this plus postage and package, say, another fiver (it's a hefty tome of over 900 pages), say, £10 in all. Just send a cheque (made out to "The Socialist Party of Great Britain") to our address.


    Appreciate the offer but I have one coming in the post from Amazon.


    Anyone else want a copy?

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