Election Activity

February 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Election Activity

  • This topic has 52 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by ALB.
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  • #191806

    The Folkestone Herald  (21 November) asked all the candidates the same (not entirely relevant) questions. Here are the answers of our candidate, Andy Thomas.


    Our election address for Folkestone and Hythe  will be delivered to Royal Mail at 10 am on Friday tor them to deliver to the 56,500 households in the constituency as from then.



    Andy Thomas was interviewed this morning by BBC South East for their news if anyone out there can get on that on their TV.

    Kent comrades also report more coverage in the local printed press.


    Despite the cold, South Wales comrades held two stalls in different parts of the Cardiff Central constituency yesterday for nearly two hours. They met someone who had already voted for us by post.  However, this might be as unrepresentative as the other person who told us that she too had voted, switching from Tory to Labour, as she was one of those Waspi women who had been swindled out of an expected earlier State pension.


    This Saturday, 7 December, there will be an insert in the<i> i </i> paper on sale in the south of England and Wales of 160,000 copies of a Party statement on the general election, with a cut-off reply form for more information, as we successfully did during the Euroelections in May. If anyone here wants to buy that paper that day, it’s only £1.20.


    A pre-recorded interview with Andy Thomas, SPGB candidate in Folkestone & Hythe, was shown on BBC South East Today, this afternoon, following the candidates representing the Conservatives, Greens, Lib Dems and Labour being questioned together, live, by the programme’s host. http://www.facebook.com/socialistpartyofgreatbritain/videos/1831499256994149/ (recorded from a TV).


    The above link doesn’t seem to work for some people.  Try the BBC i player instead – Andy’s slot is about 17.57 mins in:



    All the candidates in Cardiff Central, including the Socialist (and his cat), have their say:



    Comrades in Folkestone are distributing 5000 copies of this local newsletter:


    Mike Foster

    The link to the footage of Andy doesn’t work now that the programme’s been taken off the BBC iPlayer, unfortunately. Does anyone know another way to watch it?


    Yesterday’s South Wales Echo carried a quarter page ad for the Party. More details later.

    Mike Foster

    That’s great, thanks. A good opportunity for some publicity!


    We know the insert did appear in this weekend’s i paper as we have received an email reply at Head Office (from Torquay). It won’t be in all copies distributed in “the South” because we only paid to have it inserted in 160,000 of the 190,000 that are.


    Here is the wording of the advert that appeared in the Cardiff edition of the South Wales Echo on 5 December.

    General Election Thursday 12th December 2019

    Cardiff Central Constituency

    Vote for Brain Johnson

    What is this election about?

    This election is about one way or another of organising the profit system, capitalism, so it doesn’t matter which of the major parties is elected. Nothing will change. Brexit is a small detail in that system, so it doesn’t matter that an arrangement has been made to manipulate that detail in the interests of the tiny minority who hold most of the wealth. What does matter is how many voters understand the case we are putting for a real social upgrade – a world community without states or frontiers based on participatory democracy.

    We are talking about a society of material abundance, without buying and selling, where everyone has access to what they need without the rationing system called money.

    We are talking about a rational and sustainable society where people are the Earth’s custodians, not its destroyers, where they contribute the knowledge, skills and effort to maintain it.

    Capitalism will do all it can to discredit the idea of world socialism. Don’t let it succeed. Take a first step by voting for our candidate, Brian Johnson.

    For further details of our policy, an information pack and three months free subscription to our journal ‘Socialist Standard’ write to:

    The Socialist Party FREEPOST,

    52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UN.

    Phone: 020 7622 3811

    E-mail: spgb@worldsocialism.org

    Website: http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb


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