Richard Seymour does a nice

May 2024 Forums General discussion Euromaidan – 2013 Ukraine protests Richard Seymour does a nice


Richard Seymour does a nice take down on the Stop The War Coalition's stances on this issue:, I don't think it is that complex.One mafia opposed the mafia that was in charge, and co-ordinated the discontent in the government, and found muscle through the fash (and maybe lost control of the muscle).  The mafias had relations with groups in Europe and in Russia, who sponsored them.  One mafia had friends in the unions (in the East).Our position (and Stop the War's) should be clear: we are against the mafia.  We don't support anyone dying for either side, and we don't support "our" state sending anyone to the theatre to kill or be killed.  We have no interest in where the borders are drawn, but we do care that effective and meaningful democracy be restored.