Comments section

May 2024 Forums Website / Technical Comments section

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  • #85990

    As I understand it, this is for comments on articles in the Standard or other of our online articles and pubications. Yet recently there have been two contributions direct fom forum members. How is this (technically) possible? Isn't there a built-in way of preventing this, otherwise this section will be no different from the General Discussion section.

    ALB wrote:
    As I understand it, this is for comments on articles in the Standard or other of our online articles and pubications. Yet recently there have been two contributions direct fom forum members. How is this (technically) possible? Isn't there a built-in way of preventing this, otherwise this section will be no different from the General Discussion section.

    yes. No easy inbuilt way to stop people doing it. The mod should just move them to the right section if they so wish…

    ALB wrote:
    As I understand it, this is for comments on articles in the Standard or other of our online articles and pubications. Yet recently there have been two contributions direct fom forum members. How is this (technically) possible? Isn't there a built-in way of preventing this, otherwise this section will be no different from the General Discussion section.

    I explain how this is done in my reply to my own cooment in COMMENTS. Mod or Admin moved my post there. Perhaps you will have better look receiving a reply 


    Looks as if somebody made a mistake which has set an unfortunate precednt. After all moderators, are only human but the mistake can be easily rectified.,

    ALB wrote:
    Looks as if somebody made a mistake which has set an unfortunate precednt. After all moderators, are only human but the mistake can be easily rectified.,

    We are all equals in a democracy but some can get things done where others can't. Well done!

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