Trevor Noah

May 2024 Forums Off topic Trevor Noah

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  • #83731

    On watching sports on TV in America:

    I've never seen more focus put on sports anywhere else in the world. You worship them, you analyse them, you watch the game before the game. You talk about what happened in the game and what could've happened in the game, what didn't happen in the game. It's all statistics, you know every statistic. Then you switch over to the business channels and you're like: "Well, what's happening in the economy this year Bob?" Bob: "Well, nobody knows".

    On flying into the UK:

    You have one of the most stressful border controls I've ever come into in my life. They ask you so many questions. The guy looks at me as says: "So you're a comedian, you don't look funny". So at one point I stopped and I said: "Look man I've given you the paperwork, I've told you why I'm here, why don't you believe me?" He said: "Well, the truth is, we can't just believe everybody that comes into the UK, we can't just believe that you're gonna do what you say you're here to do, you might do something totally different". I thought: "Fair enough, that makes sense. I just wish, as Africans, we'd thought of that when the British arrived, that would have served us well."

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