Ban the bomb?

May 2024 Forums General discussion Ban the bomb?

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  • #83330

    The MOP weighs in at around 15 tons, more than six times as much as its laser-guided predecessor the GBU-28, with more than half its weight made up of the casing. It is 20 feet long, and is designed to be able to penetrate 60 feet of reinforced concrete. While it can be delivered by the old B-52 strategic bomber, the plan now is to use the B-2 – one of the most advanced war planes[…]Thanks to this weapon, the US is now the only military power that can destroy very deeply buried and heavily protected targets anywhere in the world, and without using nuclear weapons. Its air force can now physically threaten any putative underground nuclear or command facility in a “rogue” state – or, indeed, any regime that becomes unacceptable in the future.

    This is an illustration of the paucity of being 'against nuclear weapons': the buggers are always going to come up with a way to make a bigger bang, or find more refined weaponms to make murder a tool of policy.  The mroe refined and capable of striking out the command/control of any state, the greater the capacity of a state to impose its will.

    If by selective strikes against teh leadership of any state, the US can neutralise their nuclear cpacity, then it gains undisputed m,astery of the world.  It can make an offer they cannot refuse to any individual leader on the plnet, and all thiose pages of clever politics systems textbooks become usefless, because the system gives way to the biological imperative to go on breathing.

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