
May 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Countercurrents

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  • #82690

    The SOYMB blog has been relatively successful in widening our audience by submitting posts to another website, an Indian based,  English language website, Countercurrents.

    People are free to visit Countercurrent and use their comment facility on the above articles. 

    Janet Surman has had another excellent article on ending wage slavery and abolishing money posted on this website that carries many international stories and political analysis. example of spreading our message and drawing attention to ourselves to an audience which may not have heard of the WSM. The website has  comments facility if you wish to. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Janet Surman has had another excellent article on ending wage slavery and abolishing money posted on this website that carries many international stories and political analysis. 

    It's a good article but it all seems a bit cart before the horse to me. The problems mentioned are the result of private ownership of the means of production and production for profit.The solution is not to 'abolish money' but to transform the basis of the system itself, one of the effects of which will be the end of exchange value and money.  We need to be really careful in the use of our terms; over-simplifying things always runs the risk of being misunderstood.


    Perhaps you should place your observation at the article's comment section  which will clarify our position in the way you think it requires. And also to demonstrate to the website owners that Janet's article is drawing an audience which will assist her if she wishes to post future articles.   


    Another article by myself. Yes, internationalism presupposes nations where i use it in a more common and less accurate parliance so if anybody wants to point that out please add the comment at the website.


    Janet and i are still plodding away at presenting the party case on this website. Our latest offerings being


    Due to Janet providing the link, our video Kids Stuff is headlining feature of the Countercurrents website home page


    A new article by myself although Janet S has had a few since the last message update. My latest is a failed submission to the Socialist Standard but it does show that there are other avenues for our case for socialism that can link to our main websites.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    My latest is a failed submission to the Socialist Standard

    It's not a "failed" submission but merely one that has not yet been published. The editorial committee gives priority to articles on contemporary events and your article was held over, probably till March or maybe April. The same goes for your article on the Incas. The committee never turns down an article without explaining to the writer why in detail. Basically, the position is that if you get an acknowledgement of receipt of an article and don't get a "failure" email then it will appear, sooner or later.


    Mea Culpa…unfamiliar with all the practices..i never received any specific mention of it so i assumed that it was unacceptable, or had been fogotten about … because i sent a couple of submissions at once was how i got confused. Since it is no longer original…and also on my personal blog now…might as well delete it.My apologies ….next time i'll make sure anything i send to other website are not original ones….i sent a russian revolution and a magna carta article to other websites today in hope they get published but i'm sure i never sent to yourselves. …my memory fails me at time


    Actually, having an article already published elsewhere is one reason why we do turn down articles, but I'm afraid there's no guarantee that we won't use your article now that we've gone to the trouble of preparing for publication. So there's no guarantee it won't appear.


    Is priority given to letters on contemporary events if they were sent in on 18th for the following month? If not, do rejected letters receive an explanation?


    All letters sent to the Socialist Standard, especially those from non-members, receive a reply whether or not they are published. Some get crowded out at the last moment at the layout stage but are then held over to the next month. We can't know this the weekend when the layout is done.


    So after editorial, layout can drop letters on contemporary events, but not articles on contemporary events?


    It has happened. In fact, when we can, the editorial committee send the layout team more articles than they need so they can have some leeway in fitting things in from a design point of view. We do indicate which articles to give priority to, but this is not always followed. For instance, a short piece on the recent elections in New Zealand got left out. Perfection is only an ideal especially when working to a tight deadline.

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