ADM/Workshop weekend

June 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement ADM/Workshop weekend

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  • #81487

    Have the EC taken leave of their collective senses?  Whilst it was sensible to incorporate the workshop into the ADM weekend we find that not only is the ADM reduced to one day (in reality only around five hours) but the workshop has now been confined to a few hours on the Saturday evening.  And for what?  So a handful of members can leaflet the TUC rally on the Saturday which assembles at 11.00am and moves off around noon.

    Five hours is simply not enough time for the party to consider all the likely items for discussion (my own branch has six) or to properly scrutinize the work of the EC and its sub-committees.  Far better to have moved the ADM to another weekend or to have adopted the solution put forward by one comrade to extend the ADM and workshop over three days instead of two (in essence eight hours for everything!).  This ill-considered option to cram as much as possible into the weekend of October 20/21 will inevitably result in scant consideration of the ADM business and the workshop topic and is quite likely to deter some members from attending at all.

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