Elon Musk and Marx

April 2024 Forums General discussion Elon Musk and Marx

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    Like the old days of the Soviet Union, there are a bunch of assholes and ignorants making a big campaign against Karl Marx, and they have not read one preface of the Communist Manifesto or anything written by Marx or Engels, they are just playing music by ear


    Actually that’s quite a good summary of Das Kapital in a nutshell. It’s what capitalists say to the workers when they take the surplus value that workers produce over and above the value of their wages.

    In fact we could produce a t-shirt with the same meme but instead of “hungry Santa” saying “as the capitalist said to the worker”.


    Karl Marx definition, analysis and critique of capitalism is always the winner, despite the fact that capitalist have tried to discredit him

    Bijou Drains

    I am at a loss as to why Karl Mark should speak with what appears to be a cod version of the accent of a black slave?


    Perhaps because they didn’t think they could get away with giving him a Jewish accent. Or to associate the BLM with ‘Marxists’ ie Cahmunists?


    This is not bad considering they’re way-out Trots:


    ”All of this boils down to the fact that the profit and wealth of the capitalist is not the result of his own labor, but the labor of others, the workers. “The surplus value,” Marx explained in his earlier work, Value, Price and Profit, “or that part of the total value of a commodity in which the surplus labor or unpaid labor is realized, I call Profit.”

    Or, in the somewhat oversimplified version laid out by Musk: “Gib me dat for free.”


    Surplus Value

    The merchant calls it profits
    And he winks the other eye;
    The banker calls it interest
    And heaves a cheerful sigh.
    The landlord calls it rent,
    As he tucks it in his bag,
    But the honest old burglar,
    He simply calls it swag.

    Bijou Drains

    I don’t know if Marxism will ever recover from the savaging the great intellectual Elon Musk has handed out. (Irony Alert)


    Only Engels and Morris have been the  two rich persons who have adopted Marxism with sincerity and  advocated for a new society,


    Or, in the somewhat oversimplified version laid out by Musk: “Gib me dat for free.”

    Capitalists are like chameleons, they adopt different colours and shape according to the circumstances


    Elon Musk is like a clock pendulum oscillating from right to left, one day he is supporting Donald Trump and another day he is supporting the Chinese or the Russian ruling elite, now he is supporting conspiracy theories that the Egyptian Pyramids were built by aliens, as some Neonazis have said that Egipt was populated by white peoples and when the blacks  came in everything was destroyed by them

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