The Transnational Radical Party

May 2024 Forums General discussion The Transnational Radical Party

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  • #183673

    A World Party

    “The first international party: the Transnational Radical Party, founded in 1956 by Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino…The Transnational Radical Party choose a human rights agenda, as Pannella did in Italy with the Italian radical party. The abolition of the death’s sentence, the depenalization of light drugs, the freedom of medical choice, including euthanasia, the end of female mutilation in Africa and Arab countries, the importance of scientific research free of religious dogma as part of bioethics, the creation of the United States of Europe, a multicultural, inclusive and environmentally concerned Europe. It called for the inclusion of Israel in the European Community, and made public campaigns on Tibet, the Uighurs, the Montagnard (a Vietnamese Christian minority), and the Chechens. This agenda of Human Rights was able to link intellectuals and activists from many countries (especially Europe and Latin America). But it never became a mass movement, and it dissolved itself in 1989…”

    “…The World Social Forum was the closest thing to a world movement… led by Chico Wittaker have opposed: any political declaration from the WSF, because it could divide the movement; any creation of spokesman on behalf of the WSF; the idea of horizontality as the main basis for the governance of the WSF, the WSF as a space for meeting, not for organizing actions. Actions could be done by those participating making up alliances, but the WSF could not make declarations or plans of action. ..This is an extremely important handicap for a world party. Those who would be in principle its largest constituency, reject the notion of a part, which automatically creates structures of power, opens to corruption of ideals, and leave Individuals without participation and representation. The Yellow Jacket Is a sobering lesson of this…”

    “…To create a world party, we must find a banner under which people would come…a party should be able to rally masses, for a common goal. This goal, according the reality, should be able to interpret and rally the majority of people…Today we live in a world where nobody speaks of values… a world party should be based on values, the defense of international cooperation as a warrant for peace, and on the fact that competition and greed make few winners, and many losers…We must think that there are millions of people in the world engaged at grassroot level, hundreds of times more than the WSF. Our challenge is to connect with them. This, I am afraid, is a long walk. But unless se connect with those who are working to change the present trend, and we must simply made clear that we are not the elites, but we consider us equally victims, and we share the same enemy. Finally, those are people who read and reflect..And we share the same values…But can we find the language to do that? Communication is the basis for participation…”

    Okay, we can accept that the articles agenda is simply a reformist one with reformist aims but is it also suggesting an approach for a world socialist party can take? Is the author highlighting a gap in global politics that we ourselves have the credentials to fill?

    More on the TRP

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