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  • #86082

    A discussion item for Party Conference next month has been submitted by my Branch. We are starting this thread in the hope of kick-starting some discussion on the idea and to encourage members or supporters to contribute practical suggestions on the proposal and/or to consider getting involved in making one themselves.

    Here is the discussion item and its supporting statement; If you have time, please add to this thread, including with any further questions on the subject you may have:

    Discussion Item:

    “Should the Party, nationally and locally, be producing Podcasts?”

    Supporting Statement:

    "A podcast is an audio recording of a program (as in music or talk), similar to a talk radio show. The program may be streamed live but is more commonly pre-recorded and perhaps even edited before being published on the internet. It is then available for anyone to listen to at their leisure. Just as a blog is an article published online, a podcast is a radio show published online. Podcasts can be recorded in many formats, such as a lecture, debate, or interview. Party members could act as host and guest and then record their program on a prearranged topic. They are generally about an hour long, but may be shorter or longer.

    The popularity of podcasts has risen dramatically over the last ten years. This is due mainly to the ease of access because of the widespread use of iPhones (podcast is a portmanteau of iPod and broadcast) although podcasts are available through most devices such as computers and other makes of Smartphone. It is estimated that in the UK four million people download podcasts every day. Podcasts can be easily and cheaply produced and could be produced either by the Party in general or by individual branches. It is not uncommon that individuals produce their own podcast content on a regular basis. Think of podcasts, as the talk radio of social media.

    The potential benefits of podcasts include:

    • Engagement. Forming part of our wider propaganda portfolio.
    • Education. Podcasts are a great platform to disseminate thought-provoking information to the general public and our own members.
    • Member Inclusion. Enabling and encouraging members to take part in producing podcasts builds morale and can be done completely online, mitigating the problems of geography.
    • Most importantly, we believe that this project will be fun!

    Kent & Sussex Branch would like to propose that:

    • Training be provided to interested members and branches.
    • Equipment made available if required.
    • Assistance in publishing and advertising be provided where required.
    • Suggested topics or material can be provided to spark creativity.

    KSRB can provide further specific details regarding the producing of podcasts, if required."

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