Obituary – Binay Sarkar

Binay Sarkar (24 January 1941 – 23 July 2024)

Binay Sarkar passed away 23 July 2024 in IRIS Hospital, Baghajatin, leaving behind a void that can never be filled. Born in Betalan, Bankura, West Bengal, to Dharmadas and Tarasundari Sarkar, he rose from humble beginnings to become a torch-bearer of knowledge, compassion, and courage.

He started his education at Kotulpur High School and later studied at Ramananda College, Bishnupur, where he eventually served as a Professor of Economics. His students remember him as not just a teacher but a guide who nurtured minds and inspired them to question the world.

Binay Sarkar had been a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) but left in the 1980s and was one of the founding members of the World Socialist Party of India (WSPI) in 1995. This dream was not born out of ambition but from his deep desire to awaken people. He wanted them to see a world where equality and justice could thrive. He spent his life spreading awareness about socialism. He urged everyone to understand the differences between Marxism and Leninism. He believed change was possible, even when only a handful stood with him.

He was a man of simple habits and profound thoughts. He loved books (and wrote a number as well as many articles) and spent his days trying to awaken people’s conscience. He wanted the world to understand that wealth and power were illusions, while kindness and fairness were the real treasures. Those who stood with him saw a man who never gave up on humanity, no matter how many times it disappointed him.

Binay Sarkar’s passing leaves behind more than memories. It leaves behind a mission. Those who stood with him, though few, carry his ideals in their hearts. His vision of a better world will not end with his death. Those who knew him will walk the path he showed and hold on to the hope he believed in.

To us, your fight is not over. We will carry it forward. You are not just missed; you are irreplaceable.


Next article: Proper Gander – All over the shop ⮞

One Reply to “Obituary – Binay Sarkar”

  1. What a well-written obituary!

    I would have written ‘rest in peace, comrade’, but I may have been told off for that. So, instead, I’ll write that it’s a shame he never lived to see the world socialist revolution.

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