Branch News

In these wintry days the thought of Spring seems a long way off. However, in preparation for the May issue of the SOCIALIST STANDARD work has already commenced. The issue will in the main deal with the Housing Problem. Writers from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Midlands and London have been invited to send reports dealing with their areas—other articles will deal with political and economic aspects. Branches are urged to gear their meetings and literature sales drives for this issue— it probably will be enlarged–20 pages— and colour introduced — price at usual. Therefore, it behoves us all to sell at least twice the normal number of Standards in May. May Day Rallies and, we hope, better weather will enable an all-out effort to be made. A challenge, but one that we will all take up and see a greatly increased circulation.

Islington Branch is holding a meeting at the Islington Town Hall on Monday, March 11th, see details on Meeting page.

Paddington, Ealing and Bloomsbury Branches have arranged a three-branch series of propaganda meetings. The first of these was held in January at the Paddington & Marylebone Branch room. Comrade Hardy spoke on the Common Market. The event was most successful—comrades from the three branches supported the meeting and many visitors were there. Good questions and discussion ensured and it is hoped that the next event—a Brains Trust at Ealing Branch at the Memorial Hall. Windsor Road, near Ealing Broadway. will take place on Friday March 1st at 8 p.m. Bloomsbury Branch hope to arrange a meeting the following month. This first meeting was such a success that other groups of branches could well follow this example.

Annual Conference is being held at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square on Friday. Saturday and Sunday April 12th. 13th and 14th. Provincial Branches are asked to contact the Central Organiser at Head Office regarding accommodation required for their delegates. Early notification helps to ensure that accommodation is available.

P. H.

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