Imported Nonsense

The sapient gentleman whom the Daily News is pleased to claim as its own special correspondent in Paris, in referring to the appointments of Viviani and Briand to the Clemenceau Cabinet says : “The Socialist ideal is of course, the substitution of “collective” exploitation for “capitalistic” exploitation. The Daily News gentleman had better try again. “The Socialist ideal is of course”—nothing of the kind. It is the substitution of collective ownership and control for capitalistic ownership and control with the consequent extinction of exploitation altogether. The Daily News gem has been studying the work of those Socialists who unfortunately afflict the movement in France as in England. He has correctly stated their ideal. They are for State capitalism or collective exploitation. We are not concerned with State capitalism. We are concerned with Socialism. Socialism is the negation of capitalism. Consequently State capitalism cannot be the ideal of any Socialist. Ergo those who preach State capitalism or collective exploitation are not Socialists. The Daily News gent has been studying in the wrong school.


The Cleveland (Ohio) branch Y.M.C.A. has decided by vote that a millionaire cannot be an honest man. Punch says pathetic scenes were witnessed when the news was broken to the millionaires who had been trying their hardest.

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