Tories discuss stripping benefits claimants who refuse treatment for depression

February 2025 Forums General discussion Tories discuss stripping benefits claimants who refuse treatment for depression

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    Tories discuss stripping benefits claimants who refuse treatment for depression

    Senior ministers believe the rules should be reviewed in order to reduce the “huge” numbers of people who are declared unfit for work due to mental health problems


    steve colborn

    I suppose it's to much to ask these "senior" arsewipes, to coinsider getting rid of the main cause of depression within Capitalism? namely Capitalism itself!!!Problem solved. As the Meercats say, "simples".Or as pro Capitalist politicians say would say, if they had the stones,fuck them, let them get even more depressed, do the "decent thing" and reduce the burden on the real creators of wealth, the wealthy.Our "betters" need to wise up and realise it's their system that's the problem and quickly, before more people suffer the dire consequences!


    I believe that the most effective treatment for depression is not medication but cognitive therapy which is expensive and limited availability. I doubt the Tories are going to spend money on the NHS to make it more readily accessible. 

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