Russell Brand Attacks Capitalism

September 2024 Forums Comments Russell Brand Attacks Capitalism

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    I just read a Huffington post article on Brand and he stated something of interest to yesterdays conference discussion on impediments to socialism

    That air of exclusivity, over-sincerity and smugness on the left has turned many of the disillusioned away from politics and toward their XBox instead, Brand said. “Serious causes can and must be approached with good humour, otherwise they’re boring and can’t compete with the Premier League and Grand Theft Auto. Social movements needn’t lack razzmatazz. The right has all the advantages, just as the devil has all the best tunes.

    Following is a discussion on the page titled: Russell Brand Attacks Capitalism.
    Below is the discussion so far. Feel free to add your own comments!

    jondwhite wrote:
    I just read a Huffington post article on Brand and he stated something of interest to yesterdays conference discussion on impediments to socialism

    just as the devil has all the best tunes.

     We are on a highway to hell but all our friends will be there too  

    He said: "The people of this building (the House of Commons) generally speaking do not represent us, they represent their friends in big business. It's time for us to take back our power.                                             

    He added today: "Power isn't there (in the House of Commons), it is here, within us., it's easy to take a quote or two from a celebrity, but he is not that far away from us. But his celebrity status does mean he is being accessed by the more traditional left wing. Such a shame.


    But has the party, or any sympathisers, even tried to get in touch with him?

    steve colborn

    I believe Ozymandias tried to pass him some standards at one time. Or at least I believe it was Ozy. It would be a shame if we did not at least "try" getting in touch with him! I know there are some who do not share this view but nothing ventured nothing gained, is my opinion.


    Here are some links to Brands brand.'m not on FaceBook, but the party has a presence,so it wouldn't be too much for some party members to try and generate some dicussion.'ve recently set up a YouTube account and have started to debate, so I'm gonna see if I can generate some interest this way.'m not on twitter but some party members are I believe.It may be possible to get some discussions going about his ideas on revolution. Who knows, if he liked what he heard he may contact the WSM. If socialists want to give these a go, I would advise against the hard sell, more gently does it at first.The aim of the game is to make friends. 

    steve colborn

    On another thread, thoughts have been put forward on how we can progress the movement and what terminology is most useful in this respect!There is, however, another aspect to this, what tactics we should employ? I bring this up on this thread, because it is my opinion, that we could get some useful exposure from people such as Russell Brand. He may divide opinion but what cannot be gainsaid, is the fact that he has reintroduced the word "revolution" into common usage and moreover, in an at least partially, acceptable way.Why can we not invite Russell to do an interview for the Standard. Do it in such a way that is not confrontatory. We can ascertain what Brand actually thinks and advocates. If it is done correctly, we can use the oppurtunity to compare and contrast Brand's ideas with our own.Brand is not, as far as I know, a supporter of any specific political Party and therefore, we would not need to be so aggressive in the use of the hostility clause. We could be concilliatory in approach and method. It is pointless merely for the sake of it, to be hostile to people like Brand, when basically, we do not know exactly where he stands, nor how far along to consciousness he is.The watchword should be, build bridges not burn them!I know I will probably not be flavour of the month, for the above suggestion but what have we to lose? We aren't "virgins" bothered about losing our cherry and I in no way think we would endanger our principled stand by attempting this. Nothing to lose but possibly much to gain!!!


    If a thing is worth doing right, its worth doing yourself, Steve. Make the first overtures and see what the response might be and if positive, the party officially can take over the details.Meantime, we can raise what actual questions we would ask him.  Me i would ask…We stand for a world without governments or countries, not even leaders, where everything is owned by everybody so there is no buying and selling, therefore no need for wages or money, and we argue that this is  feasible, viable, and achievable and not an ultimate aim for the far flung future. What is your opinion on this immediate demand of ours?Formulating interview questions requires skill…and as you see, i don't have it except that i do know it must be left open-ended for the interviewee to actually give a viewpoint.  Anyways some google info on how to contact him…you might have better luck finding a more direct way of reaching him.Russell Brand website:- social media links you can try messagingJohn Noel Management Block B Imperial Works Perren Street London, NW5 3ED UK (But perhaps they'll want their agents 10% !!! )  

    rodshaw wrote:
    But has the party, or any sympathisers, even tried to get in touch with him?

    Yes, he has been given a copy of the article (also used for a leaflet) on him in the Socialist Standard via a member who knows his father:


    I have contacted Russell Brand on numerous occasions on Facebook,  Twitter and Youtube and sent him the party's election video. I have never received a response. He is either ignoring me or he may be very busy.     


     The biggest obstacle to Revolution is your belief that it's impossible. So start believing. Together we are the solution. Get your boots on. Pack a sandwich.LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION Russell Brand Send him his own words with the party video 


    I couldn't get anywhere near this guy when I went to see him here in Glasgow a few months ago. He is a movie star as well as social commentator. These people have their entire days mapped out into 15 minute segments. I get the feeling Brand would lap up the party case. He is tapping into something people are craving. Togetherness and real change. 

    J Surman

    Surprised I haven't seen any discussion here about this: saw it on TV yesterday, but it's on line, see link.Max Keiser is always something of an entertainment, often informative, plus a wide range of 'guests' – this one the celebrity of the moment. No doubt it makes more people think a bit more.


    If all Russell Brand achieves is to reBrand  'revolution' then at least that is something.  Using the term has alway invoked images of violence: Perhaps now it doesn't.      

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