Regional opportunities

May 2024 Forums General discussion Regional opportunities

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  • #83225

    Why is it in some countries, people have more opportunities becoming success and live a middle class life style?

    If you live in a Nordic country like for example Norway, Iceland and Sweden, you have a better chance living a middle class life style and not being oppressed from a crony capitalist system that benefits the rich. These Nordic countries are considered to be socialist and people live a more prosperous live style.

    In other countries like Turkey, US, and Portugal, you have more difficult time supporting your economic well being and you have a higher chance living under poverty. In most of these countries where crony capitalism exists, there is a small population of people, big corporations who are rich and a huge number of people who are poor.

    In these countries, the rich are protected by high political figures and sometimes they can even rule the government. The rich are also millionaires or billionaires like Donald Trump. You could be poor working for 30 or 40 years and you will never make the same income a rich person makes.

    Isn’t it kind of disturbing to know how poverty could affect you or not, depending where you live. In some places where socialism is embraced, you have more prosperous opportunities then in other places where the rich are treated as hierarchies and mythical lords.


    Good question.First, even the supposed 'middle class' often live saddled with debt and only a few paychecks away from poverty.Second, the class distinction for socialists is between the ruling class and the rest. Only a small handful of society actually rule. No doubt sections of the rest can be bought off without relinquishing any control to them and this is what the 'middle class' is.Whether you find yourself in a relatively 'rich country' or 'poor country' is luck.


    I find the Nordic countries an intriquing topic …Up to the early 20th centurey they were poverty stricken, at times close to famine,  and contributed in great numbers to the emigration to Canada and the USA. The Finnish appeared to be fairly militant and formed language centred socialist groups in both countries, and there was even some iealist Finns who decided to set up a socialist utopian commune  in Soviet Union.  But nowadays there is a tendency to play down the wealth gap that exist in these countries…but it basiclly is much the same as elsewhere, no need to mention the owners of  IKEA and Electrolux and Nokia.We know Nokia mainly for th phones but they have been a giant conglomerate since the 19th c. Who has heard of the Wallenberg dynasty. Their family motto is "Esse non Videri" ( "To be, not to be seen"Vast council estates exist on the outskirts of Stockholm much as Paris put theres away from the tourist sights where Swedish immigrants are usually housed.  Piketty cites the Scandinavian countries a re-emerging inequality nations. the Nordic model of generous welfare state is being cut back.  

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