Our advertisement in the Islington Tribune

January 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Our advertisement in the Islington Tribune

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    They offered us, at short notice, a quarter page ad for the same price as as previous much smaller one we inserted as a follow up to our recent local by-election campaign (£120), so we accepted. Don’t know if it will bring a better response but at least readers won’t be able to miss it. It’s on page 3.


    While you are there scroll on to the letters page to see a resigned member of the Labour Party claim that the Labour Party stopped being socialist the moment Starmer became leader. It never was of course.


    We tried to join in the discussion in the columns of the Islington Tribune about whether or not the Labour Party is socialist, but they didn’t publish it. Here is what we sent:

    Dear Friend,
    It is heartening to see people debating the meaning of socialism in your letters pages, even if it is the context of the actions and policies of a Labour government. As the late Tony Benn said: “the Labour Party has never been a socialist party.”

    He was right, the Labour Party is a consciously and determinedly pro-capitalist party. Since poverty and unemployment are essential, not accidental nor incidental, features of the capitalist system, it follows that any vote or support for Labour is a vote in favour of poverty and unemployment. The policies of the Labour Party can only ever be consistent with ensuring capitalists get enough profit to ensure their system can continue.

    To abolish a system based on exploitation, poverty and unemployment requires putting the productive capacity of the world at the disposal of the human community: democratic control of the means of producing and distributing wealth. If any of your correspondents genuinely want socialism, that is the only policy they should be proposing and working towards.

    Your for world Socialism,
    Bill Martin


    I can’t see the advert on page 3, nor can I see the letter referred to on the letters’ page. Is this the right edition of the newspaper?


    That’s because it appears in a previous issue. Apparently that link takes you to page 3 of the current issue. I’ll see if I can find a way of publishing it here. In the meantime (and until next week) you can read about Jeremy Corbyn’s cat who has died.

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