Moderation Suggestions

January 2025 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #108517
    moderator1 wrote:
    No user is suspended for a "petty reason", indeed every warning and a suspension is only ever issued after I've deliberated on the actual breach of guidelines and rules.  Which in practice means no breach of the rules is considered to be a "petty reason".  

    I was suspended for asking 'what did I do wrong' twice. No other forum whould suspend for such appalling and shocking   behaviour 

    moderator1 wrote:
    If on the other hand you are of the opinion that this is not the case in all instances please forward the evidence by PM and I'll ensure its discussed by the I.C. for action, or noted.

    There is load of evidence. Don't wish to waste my time collecting information to be ignored and/or have the piss took, but I will not stand by and allow misrepresentation. 

    Vin wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    No user is suspended for a "petty reason", indeed every warning and a suspension is only ever issued after I've deliberated on the actual breach of guidelines and rules.  Which in practice means no breach of the rules is considered to be a "petty reason".  

    I was suspended for asking 'what did I do wrong' twice. No other forum whould suspend for such appalling and shocking   behaviour 

    Correct me if I'm wrong but you were suspended under Rule 15. Queries or appeals relating to particular moderation decisions should be sent directly to the moderators by private message. Do not post such messages to the forum. You must continue to abide by the moderators’ decisions pending the outcome of your appeal.Although you have been advised to make a complaint you have repeatedly failed to make any complaint on your suspensions.


    Call it what you like, I was suspended for asking 'what  have I done wrong?' simples.If that is a rule then it should be abolished    

    Vin wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    If on the other hand you are of the opinion that this is not the case in all instances please forward the evidence by PM and I'll ensure its discussed by the I.C. for action, or noted.

    There is load of evidence. Don't wish to waste my time collecting information to be ignored and/or have the piss took, but I will not stand by and allow misrepresentation. 

    If you are unwilling to present any evidence, or either make a complaint, I have to assume that the allegations are baseless and without any foundation whatsoever.  If you persist in making further allegations of this nature in the future I will have to seriously consider making a complaint of your behaviour to the I.C.

    Vin wrote:
    Call it what you like, I was suspended for asking 'what  have I done wrong?' simples.If that is a rule then it should be abolished

    Yes you are correct you were suspended for asking on the forum 'what have I done wrong' when Rule 15. clearly stipulates to use the PM function for such queries. If in your opinion this rule should be abolished what would you suggest we replace it with?


    You don't have to. When other members have asked you the same question, you have simply explained to them politely what they did wrong. I am not the only forum member to ask such a question but I am to be 'named and shamed' for doing same.Take me off the hit list and treat me like other forum membes. Move on. 

    moderator1 wrote:
    If you are unwilling to present any evidence, or either make a complaint, I have to assume that the allegations are baseless and without any foundation whatsoever.  If you persist in making further allegations of this nature in the future I will have to seriously consider making a complaint of your behaviour to the I.C.

    There is a message in your inbox from me with evidence that you politely explained where members had gone wrong then suspended me for the same. So seek a gagging order if you don't like the truth. I have made no unfounded allegations.  


    The thread below shows two users continuing to post after 3 warnings. Unless I am missing something, this indicates that the warnings were given retrospectively so the users had no opportunity to heed the warnings. 


    If you are referring to myself as one of those, i was suspended for about a week, Vin…Or didn't you notice my absence and my subsequent  references when the ban was lifted to an enforced silence? Apologies if it was not me you were intending to mean. But i just thought i highlight my own punishment for ignoring warnings and continuing to engage with StuartW off-topic


    Thanks Alan,So you received the warnings one at a time and ignored all 3? My point is I believe the warnings and suspensions were all given in one sitting. Unless I am missing something as you and stuart continue to post well after your 3rd warning.  


    Vin, I was suspended on the 15th if i recall correctly (perhaps the 14th, depending on time zones)I really have no beef with the moderator, he permitted the discourse to stray for quite a while and i was well aware that we were off topic.No, i think there was warnings in advance which i believe i ignored.I think it may be helpful if the moderator actually set up new threads where and when he believed the discussion meritedit  but i am sure he may then be accused of interference and over-stepping his remit…no win…I have been a moderator so i do have a lot of sympathy for the judgment calls it sometimes requires…i know i didn't please everybody but i also know we need a strong-willed moderator who can't be swayed or influenced.I'll let him get on with it and pay the price when i disregard the forum rules.  

    Vin wrote:
    The thread below shows two users continuing to post after 3 warnings. Unless I am missing something, this indicates that the warnings were given retrospectively so the users had no opportunity to heed the warnings. 

    This particular post is a classical example of a heads I win tails you lose situation.  Ask yourself what would you do in such a situation?1. Ignore the previous off-topic discussion and only deal with the latest breach of the rules?2. Stick with procedure and good practice and deal with each breach of the rules as and when they occur?3. Acknowledge there is always the possibility that whatever action you take there is going to some myopic user who are incapable of thinking it out for themselves.4. Stay on watch 24/7?5. Delete all posts which breached the rules after the suspension, thus distrupting the flow of the thread?6. Be thankful you have a thick skin?7. Acknowledge that some users deliberately try to score points whatever action is taken?May I remind users that 'good practice' involves following 2.,3.,6., and 7. . The joys of moderating are so interesting I sometimes wonder why members are not flocking to join me!


    Of course, I take your point Mod. I get carried away, too. I will in future think before I criticise and I will attempt to be more constructive.

    Vin wrote:
    Of course, I take your point Mod. I get carried away, too. I will in future think before I criticise and I will attempt to be more constructive.

    Which is the advice I gave some months ago.  See post #20 11/02/15"Anyways basically the rules are there so the flow of the thread is not disrupted.  Figure it out for yourself why it gets disrupted, but my advice is that before you click the save box read your message and ask yourself how will other posters react to how I've expressed this particular message?  Don't do it once but several times and if any doubt is raised delete.  You would be suprised how many messages I deliberately delete during the week."And yes if you must know I'm still deliberately deleting messages – especially when it comes to responding to this thread in particular!

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