Is there, “Something wrong with the party’s case and/or it’s methods.”?

October 2024 Forums General discussion Is there, “Something wrong with the party’s case and/or it’s methods.”?

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  • #90074
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
     Hi Socialist Punk I agree that a few cynical comrades sitting in a pub is not very attractive to newcomers but as gnome has pointed out we need (and I am asking for contributions on another thread) concrete proposals to bring the party into 21st century (and render it ‘user friendly’ so to speak). Do you feel that public meetings for example, are an out of date mode of communication? What other methods are available? How can we improve our image? I hope that people like you and I, who have been away from the party for some time, may be able to offer a fresh perspective.  

    Hi hollyhead,Rather than generalising can you be specific with your criticism.When i was in the north east branch its members carried out the work, printing posters/leaflet etc. delivering them, booking rooms etc. Didn't see ANY member of the EC doing anything.I personally delivered thousands of leaflets and pasted 'fly-posters' which advertised a public meeting at which comrade Cyril May spoke. The point is in 2012 is this the way forward? 


    Well now Ed, we are in a pickle.If you think altering the party approach to appeal to a wider audience is dumbing down, I think the problem lies in your attitude. I never suggested dumbing down the party case. We just need to make it more accessible.How we deal with individual one to one interaction is our own business and I am sure many will find a multitude of ways to deal with this.Now if you were to go into most workplaces or social settings and start using longwinded jargon and arguments and going on about the proletariat, and the bourgeoisie, I bet you any money you would be labeled as a crank. You wouldn't get through.Now just because people can use longwinded, word and arguments, doesn't automaticaly mean there is any substance behind them.Take Gyles Brandreth as an example. He is known as a word smith, he loves and uses long words and phrases, all well and good. But I am pretty sure that he would be unable to grasp the basics of the socialist case?It's all well and good sounding clever, but if it fails to communicate a simple message, then it is a waste of time and energy.


    Your post is utter shit you haven't even read what I've wrote more strawmen and ad hom. Lets examine what you think the problem is…………… The socialist party is not presenting it's message in a way that can be understood by the majority of workers,Can you show some evidence of this because I think the opposite is true. Here's two examples clear, perfectly understandable. Now would you like to tell us why you feel that the two speakers in these videos are putting across a message which goes over workers heads?Time to start backing up your bull shitHope that question is not too intellectual for you, I know there was a few words over 3 syllables there

    northern light

    Ed, or perhaps I should say "BIG ' Ed", Just look at the title of this topic, " Is there, "Something wrong with the party's case and/ or it's methods. We have people here, ( a rejoined member, and an ex-member, on the verge of rejoining ) trying to make constructive suggestions, of how we can better connect with the public. Nothing threatening, nothing abusive. And you come on with thisunacceptable attitude. You have been warned about this before, more than once. I was sitting, filling in my membership application form the other day, when HollyHead made his scathing remark. Now I find youand your contempt, just too much. Socialists should not be talking to Socialists like this. Is there perhaps a mole in the party,some trusted member, destroying from within ? I would not be in the same building with you, let alone the same Party Oh, I looked at the videos, and they are perfect, just the stuff we want to hear, and I am sure SocialistPunk, and TheOldGreyWhistle, will agree. Don't bother to reply, I won't be here to see.

    northern light wrote:
     trying to make construcive suggestions,

    that's a matter of opinion mainly I've just seen incessant whinging

    northern light wrote:
    Nothing threatening, nothing abusive.

    Coming from the guy who threatened to punch my lights out. Fucking hypocriteI've behaved like a fucking saint and let a lot of your attacks slide but I've had enough of the constant attacks from you and Socialist Punk. I disagree with his unfounded assertion and he responds with an attack on me and I'm the fucking bad guy? Fuck that

    northern light wrote:
    Don't bother to reply, I won't be here to see.

    My heart bleeds


    To socialist punk and northern light. Do not allow Ed or anyone else put you off the Party. The Party and its case is bigger than one or two members. I believe the attitude of Ed is driving members and potential members away. I have said in the past it would be difficult to pass a conference resolution dealing with such attituded but the party needs to deal with the problem, perhaps using the Rule dealing with action detrimental. To edYour comments 'bullshit' and 'shit' to refer to a socialist's comments are not welcome on this forum. Are you REALLY in the party for socialism? Or is there another reason? WHERE IS 'ADMIN'? HOW MANY WARNINGS  BEFORE BEING REMOVED FROM FORUM?

    Ed wrote:
    northern light wrote:
     trying to make construcive suggestions,

    that's a matter of opinion mainly I've just seen incessant whinging

    northern light wrote:
    Nothing threatening, nothing abusive.

    Coming from the guy who threatened to punch my lights out. Fucking hypocriteI've behaved like a fucking saint and let a lot of your attacks slide but I've had enough of the constant attacks from you and Socialist Punk. I disagree with his unfounded assertion and he responds with an attack on me and I'm the fucking bad guy? Fuck that

    northern light wrote:
    Don't bother to reply, I won't be here to see.

    My heart bleeds


    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:

    I think you've made your point OGW and someone has lodged an official complaint.  Admin will take any action deemed appropriate.  In the meantime EVERYONE should take a step back and calm down.

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    To socialist punk and northern light. Do not allow Ed or anyone else put you off the Party. The Party and its case is bigger than one or two members. I believe the attitude of Ed is driving members and potential members away. I have said in the past it would be difficult to pass a conference resolution dealing with such attituded but the party needs to deal with the problem, perhaps using the Rule dealing with action detrimental. To edYour comments 'bullshit' and 'shit' to refer to a socialist's comments are not welcome on this forum. Are you REALLY in the party for socialism? Or is there another reason? WHERE IS 'ADMIN'? HOW MANY WARNINGS  BEFORE BEING REMOVED FROM FORUM?

    Cry me a fucking river pal you lot love to dish it out but you run away crying anytime anyone gives it back.Oh yeah conspiracy theories real c;lassy

    steve colborn

    Ed wrote in post 33, "Time to start backing up your bull shitHope that question is not too intellectual for you, I know there was a few words over 3 syllables there"Actually you should have written, I know there were a few words. Not, as you wrote, "I know there was a few words".Grammar comrade, grammar.

    Ed wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    To socialist punk and northern light. Do not allow Ed or anyone else put you off the Party. The Party and its case is bigger than one or two members. I believe the attitude of Ed is driving members and potential members away. I have said in the past it would be difficult to pass a conference resolution dealing with such attituded but the party needs to deal with the problem, perhaps using the Rule dealing with action detrimental. To edYour comments 'bullshit' and 'shit' to refer to a socialist's comments are not welcome on this forum. Are you REALLY in the party for socialism? Or is there another reason? WHERE IS 'ADMIN'? HOW MANY WARNINGS  BEFORE BEING REMOVED FROM FORUM?

    Cry me a fucking river pal you lot love to dish it out but you run away crying anytime anyone gives it back.Oh yeah conspiracy theories real c;lassy

    Do you talk to people like that face to face?

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Ed wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    To socialist punk and northern light. Do not allow Ed or anyone else put you off the Party. The Party and its case is bigger than one or two members. I believe the attitude of Ed is driving members and potential members away. I have said in the past it would be difficult to pass a conference resolution dealing with such attituded but the party needs to deal with the problem, perhaps using the Rule dealing with action detrimental. To edYour comments 'bullshit' and 'shit' to refer to a socialist's comments are not welcome on this forum. Are you REALLY in the party for socialism? Or is there another reason? WHERE IS 'ADMIN'? HOW MANY WARNINGS  BEFORE BEING REMOVED FROM FORUM?

    Cry me a fucking river pal you lot love to dish it out but you run away crying anytime anyone gives it back.Oh yeah conspiracy theories real c;lassy

    Do you talk to people like that face to face?

    I do when I'm being attacked, threatened and slandered.

    Ed wrote:
     Cry me a fucking river pal you lot love to dish it out but you run away crying anytime anyone gives it back. 

    'You lot'       Who are you referring to?Where have you been threatened, attacked  etc? If you had been attacked and threatened it would be you who I was defending. I am a sucker for the underdog

    steve colborn

    Slandered Ed? I never knew that disagreeing with someone was akin to slander! Nor did I realise that not agreeing with someones argument and putting a counter argument was an Attack!As for being THREATENED, I read Northern Lights comments a while ago, and he was speaking retrospectively, of the way he would have reacted years ago, to someone who called him a LIAR to his face.Please don't continue, anyone, with this type of rhetoric.As a Socialist, my only focus is putting the case for Socialism. I'm looking forward to people, on the different threads on this site, hopefully coming up with inspiring methods for propogating the case for Socialism.That should be the only focus for us all.

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Ed wrote:
     Cry me a fucking river pal you lot love to dish it out but you run away crying anytime anyone gives it back. 

    'You lot'       Who are you referring to?Where have you been threatened, attacked  etc? If you had been attacked and threatened it would be you who I was defending. I am a sucker for the underdog

    I'm referring to you socialist punk and northern light, the three horsemen of the apocolypse

    northern light wrote:
     Ed, What I said was, "I  can not, will not apply to join the SPGB.Please do not misquote me. The party does not allow entry on religious grounds, so I can not, will not, simple as that.There was a time, if you had told me I was a liar, to my face, you would have been on your hands and knees picking up teeth. I am older and more mellow now, but I still find a remark like that offensive. I have never been in the habit of lying, so if I have made an error, that is all it will be, and I will hold my hand up, and admit it, but, come on, spring your trap!Where do you get this notion that I mentioned reforms, the SPGB is not a reform party. Again you are putting words in my mouth.I posted a list, and said, "These are just a sample of some of the issues in the public domain. The working class is looking for answers, and it is not finding those answers in main-stream politics."If you are going to play games with me, at least try dealing with a straight deck.

    This would be an instant ban on most forums. Did I react? No I let it slide because I wanted the situation resolved.Now lets look at this threadI disagree with socialist punkHe attacks meadmits that he attacked meI try to clarify what I've just said and don't retaliatehe attacks me againFuck that I'm done letting these cheap jibes slide

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