infamous letter that Engels sent Marx which supposedly proves his homophobia

October 2024 Forums General discussion infamous letter that Engels sent Marx which supposedly proves his homophobia

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    ”And since “homo” means man, and not men and women”

    Are you sure about that? The Smaller Latin-English Dictionary gives the first meaning of “homo” as “human being” and “vir” as the word for a male person (as in “virile” in English).


    Man means men/women. This society is getting ridiculous, now, any term becomes an offense when it is not really an offense, and everything is based on race ( which is a false concept too ) identity and sex ( which could be men or women ) similar to the movement black live matter, the life of every human being matters, it does not make any difference if he/she is black white, red, brown, yellow, or any other color of their skin which is only a pigment, we are exploited as a class

    Engels, was not sexist or misogynistic, or homophobic ( a term that is also wrong, as well homosexual is wrong too ) as some leftist ( specially Marxist humanists ) and feminists are saying or writing against him, in reality they are defaming Engels, and he made many contributions to socialism, probably more than them, in the same way that I was publicly defamed by some members, and non member of this party (men and women ) , and defamation is a tort punished by law and it provide punitive damages.( as they did against Donald Trump ) and the person that he defamed obtained a large reward

    Some women call themselves sexist, or they allow others ( men and women ) to call them sexist because they have a beautiful body, beautiful face, a beautiful smile, and a beautiful wallet, and beauty is a very volatile concept

    Peoples have to be careful when they open their mouth or they pretend to be keyboard warriors instead of confronting peoples face to face. It is also a stupidity to call Engels a post Marxist when he along with Marx made a lot of contributions together,( Why didn’t tell Engels that he was wrong ? ) and Marx never called himself a marxists and Engels used the expression to defend his friend against Bakunin and others, and Engels loved his friend, and he used part of his inheritance to publish Marx works, and he did not make any malicious alteration to Marx capital,

    I became part of the working class movement because of Engels, in that time I did not see any women becoming part of a central committee, they were used to prepare tables for congress, or to cook for the congress, or to design leaflets, but that was not Engels fault, (and many only read Mao, or Lenin,) it was the influence of the social reality of that historical period


    Yes, that’s right. Vir = man and femina = woman.
    (Pronounced “faymina”, not “fehmina.” And vir is pronounced “weer.”)

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas_More.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas_More.

    Homo does not mean equal sex, it means human, and in biology the concept of human being is consider as an arbitrary term, in Celular/molecular biology the term used is life, as it was expressed by a biologist ( and several textbooks ) when they tried to approve or reject abortion in the Argentinian congress,

    Homosexual means human sex, it does not mean attraction to the same sex, and we have female and male sex, or sexual organ, and it is natural.

    The SP of Canada has an articles proving that dictionaries are also wrong, because they have a wrong definition about socialism and communism, as well a friend of Malcomx showed him that dictionary are wrong too, because the word white means purity, angelical, clean, and the word black is diabolical , devil darkness, etc etc.

    Probably the expression mestizo ( mixed race ) is the combination of angelical and diabolical, as the word mulato that comes from mule, or the combination of a horse and a donkey, ( a person mixed with European and African ) or the cuban dish named Congri ( moor with christians ) which means Islam, or moor which is black and rice that is white, there is a famous Colombian orquesta called Niche and it means black ( or N… ) and it is the same N word that is prohibited to be used in the USA, and they have travelled the whole world using the same name, and it is the name of musical corporation The word Niche is a biological term, or a scientific term,


    Latin was a mandatory language and we had to learn it, and I learned many terms that in our times are completely wrong, and Latin words are pronounced in the same that they are written like in Spanish,( Medicals Doctors and Doctor in Jurisprudence do not pronounce them properly, PHD means doctorate in philosophy ) although there is an Argentinian linguistic who is saying that the Romance languages do not come from the Latin language but a language that was spoken by the roman peasants, and Latin was a beautiful language adopted by the Catholic church,

    I have a Vulgata( vulgate ) bible and I have a Greek interlineal. Latin was needed in order to study Law/philosophy and Medicine, and French ( was a mandatory language too ) was used in International Law and diplomacy. Spanish is becoming the second romance language spoken in the USA, the expression Hispanic,( Iberian ) Latino, Latinx,( like using the expression Man ) are wrong too when they are applied to the peoples from South America, Central America and the Caribbean islands, what about Jamaica, Saint Thomas , and Dominica ? This is a real mess . Some peoples wanted to use neutral expressions

    PS: Engels was correct when he wrote that human being ( life ) spent years to develop a language and we did not have the proper vocal cords


    The same with left and right. Latin sinistra and dextra. We say sinister for evil things, and gauche (Fr. left) for clumsy; and dextrous and adroit, both orig. right, which we also use as a synonym for correct.

    For centuries left-handed children were beaten.

    In theology the saved sit on Christ’s right and the damned on His left before being cast down.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas_More.

    I was taught (I opted voluntarily on Friday afternoons in school, just me and one other boy) Latin and taught to speak it in the classical way (all consonants hard). Church Latin is medieval, not classical, Latin, with Italianised consonants. Dog Latin describes the fun and invented Latin of the common people of the Middle Ages, who had a great sense of humour. Poor parish priests also spoke Dog Latin.

    I heard from a student doing university Latin years later that now it is taught without the names of the cases: nominative, accusative, genitive, etc. They just say first case, second case, and so on. This is ridiculous, because the case names indicate what the cases are, and students today won’t have that grammatical resource.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas_More.

    The lewd, blasphemous and sexy Gamblers’ Mass. (Eleventh century).

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Thomas_More.

    Talking about wrong interpretation of concepts, the expression that Marx used toward Lasalle meant: Jew Isaac, many expression used in certain epoch do not have the same meaning today, one of them is the expression dictatorship and dictator, another expression used by opponents of Marx indicating that he support dictatorship and dictator, but the expression had a different meaning during the XIX century and within the Roman world


    As far as Marx’s references to Ferdinand Lassalle are concerned, I do not know what there is to “address.” In the thousands of pages of Marx’s correspondence with Engels, of which there are dozens that refer to Lassalle, there are to be found a few epithets that would not pass muster today. But Marx lived in the nineteenth century, not the twentieth. You state that my earlier letter “debunks the notion that Karl Marx was a Jew-hater.” So, then, why do you raise to the level of a special issue Marx’s use of the epithet “Juden Itzig” (which, by the way, translates as “Jew Isaac”)? These epithets, however offensive they appear in a modern context, were employed in a different historical era—prior to the rise of political anti-Semitism.

    From Middle English Ysaac, from Latin Isaac, from Ancient Greek Ἰσαάκ (Isaák), from Hebrew יצחק‎ (Yiṣḥāq, literally “he laughs, he will laugh”). Explained in Genesis as referring to his mother Sarah’s laughing when she was told she would have a son at her old age.


    Marx, according to the Telegraph

    Marx according to the Telegraph

    There was an article written by someone else that was blamed on Karl Marx

    In this article the SPGB used the expression black jewish but the correct expression is Jew Isaac, or laugh

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