Drawing attention to the forum

February 2025 Forums Website / Technical Drawing attention to the forum

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  • #81770


    If members of the forum  ‘tweet’ topical threads they will draw attention to the forum. I have been doing a little experiment and ‘tweeting' definitely increases ‘views’ of some threads.

    You could also share with others like facebook, google etc

    The more tweets, the more views


    After a little experiment I have found that tweeting a topic daily can quadruple 'views'. This can't be abad thing.


    I'm glad that appears to work; though we should have some reason for caution in such activities:1) Everyone else is doing the same, and there are diminishing returns in the attention economy.2) Relatedly, a few years ago, we had a member who was an enthusiast for Spamming, which we had to curtail.  I realise on social media people on your feed want to receive your messages, but, again, too many can lead to a drown out effect, where people may not link through.3) The chief task is to make the debate engaging and informative and to the topic of socialism.  That way people will stay and discuss, rather than be driven away.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    I'm glad that appears to work; though we should have some reason for caution in such activities:1) Everyone else is doing the same, and there are diminishing returns in the attention economy.2) Relatedly, a few years ago, we had a member who was an enthusiast for Spamming, which we had to curtail.  I realise on social media people on your feed want to receive your messages, but, again, too many can lead to a drown out effect, where people may not link through.3) The chief task is to make the debate engaging and informative and to the topic of socialism.  That way people will stay and discuss, rather than be driven away.

    Good points. It doesn't look good when the forum consists of snidy and underhand remarks and personal attacks. It not only drives visitors way but members too and shrinks the party


    Tweet the blog, too, while at it.We need more visitors and comments


    I think they are close to the CPGB/Weekly Worker as this carries many of their articles.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Tweet the blog, too, while at it.We need more visitors and comments

    Will do. Done it a few times, there's some good stuff on there

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