Centenary of the Russian Revolution

February 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Centenary of the Russian Revolution

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  • #130203

    Apologies moderators. I'm banning myself from this forum before I get the obvious ban. And, Gnome, you're still a snide cunt.


    Not sure I deserved that outburst; it was a general observation and not directed at anyone in particular.  But if the cap fits… 


    I have been looking into having it published on Amazon Kindle but I am still non the wiser.    


    Printed,  or in digital format,  it is 300 times better than all the books written by the left,  including the History of The  Russian revolution written by Trotsky. This is a compilation of articles written by the SPGB,  and they are all available on the website.I have the index of the socialist standard,  and I have read all of them and despite that, I already ordered one copy for my personal library., all those articles helped me to understand and clarify in my mind the real events that took place  in Russia.   There are a lot of distortions out there regarding this coup wrongly called a revolution, and every year they repeat the same errors. I have always said that the WSM/SPGB is the best university on Socialism. It is the best source of information for the world working class. It is one of the reasons why I believe that the SPGB should expand its frontiers to all the countries around the world


    Any chance someone could put up the contents table. Or is there anywhere online we can 'look inside'?PS Publishing on Kindle is piss easy, get an account with Kindle Direct, Createspace or IngramSpark.


    Introduction    9Part I :     The February Revolution: A Bourgeois Revolution    151.    The Russian Upheaval(Socialist Standard, December 1905)    172.   The Russian Revolution(Socialist Standard, April 1917)    223.    The Russian Situation(Socialist Standard, June 1917)    234.    Russia and Ourselves(Socialist Standard, July 1917)    26Part II :    The October Revolution: The Bolshevik Coup    315.    The Russian Situation(Socialist Standard, January 1918)    336.    The Revolution in Russia: Where it Fails(Socialist Standard, August 1918)    357.    Parliament or Soviet? A Critical Examination(Socialist Standard, April 1920)    458.    The Russian Dictatorship(Socialist Standard, July 1920)    499.    A Socialist View of Bolshevist Policy(Socialist Standard, July 1920)    5810. The Super-Opportunists: A Criticism of Bolshevist Policy(Socialist Standard, August 1920)    6411.   Editorial: Famine in Russia(Socialist Standard, October 1921)    6812.    The Collapse of Capitalism(Socialist Standard, February 1921)    7113.    The Passing of Lenin(Socialise Standard, March 1924)    7514.    Socialism and 'The Third International'(Socialist Standard, March 1925)    86Part III:   Bolshevik Russia: The Class Struggle Continues    9115.    The Class Struggle in Soviet Russia(Socialist Standard, December 1927)    9316.    Should the Workers Fight for Russia?(Socialist Standard, April 1928)    9917.    Russia: Land of High Profits(Socialist Standard, September 1930)    10618.    What Stalin Forgot To Mention(Socialist Standard, May 1933)    11219.    Changing Russia(Socialist Standard, September 1934)    11420. What is Wrong with Russia? The Mystery of the Trials(Socialist Standard, March 1937)    11821. Life in Soviet Russia(Socialist Standard, June 1937)    12422.    Some aspects of Russia(SocialistStandard, December 1937)    12823.    Inequality in Russia(Socialist Standard, January 1943)    132Part IV:    State Capitalism: The Nightmare Continues  13724. The Struggle for Power in Russia(Socialist Standard, February 1953)    13925.    From Lenin to Stalin(Socialist Standard, April 1953)  14226.    Cracks in the Russian Dictatorship  (Socialist Standard, May 1953)    14827.    The Russian Revolution – Its Impact on the Socialist Movement (SocialistStandard, September 1954)    15228.    Stalin the God and Stalin the Gangster(Socialist Standard, April 1956)    15729.    Stalin – the God Who Fell  (Socialist Standard, December 1961)    16030.    Russia Puts the Clock Back(Socialist Standard, June 1962)    16231.    Russian State Capitalism: Tony Cliff, Russia: A MarxistAnalysis, (International Socialism)(Socialis Standard, September 1964)    15232. Lenin: Just a Russian Revolutionary(Socialist Standard, April 1970)    17133. State Capitalism for Russia(Socialist Standard, April 1970)    17434.    Russia: Leftists in Dispute(Socialist Standard, January 1976)   17635.    Russia's Tolpuddle Martyrs(Socialist Standard, May 1978)    17936.    The Working Class in Russia(Socialist Stan dard, June 1979)   18237- What's the Russian for "Blackleg"?(Socialist Standard, November 1985)    186Part V:     Back to the Future? The Collapse of the Soviet Union    19138.    Where is Russia Going?(Socialist Standard, September 1988)    19339.    Gorbachev and the End of Communism(Socialist Standard, October 1988)    20340.    Socialism Has Not Failed(Socialist Standard, January 1990)    20941.    From Cold War to Class War(Socialist Standard, February 1990)    21442.    Marxism Versus Leninism(Socialist Standard, March 1990)    219 


    Forgot to add that all these articles will be on the Archives section of this website:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/socialist-standard/archive

    ALB wrote:
    Introduction    9Part I :     The February Revolution: A Bourgeois Revolution    151.    The Russian Upheaval(Socialist Standard, December 1905)    172.   The Russian Revolution(Socialist Standard, April 1917)    223.    The Russian Situation(Socialist Standard, June 1917)    234.    Russia and Ourselves(Socialist Standard, July 1917)    26Part II :    The October Revolution: The Bolshevik Coup    315.    The Russian Situation(Socialist Standard, January 1918)    336.    The Revolution in Russia: Where it Fails(Socialist Standard, August 1918)    357.    Parliament or Soviet? A Critical Examination(Socialist Standard, April 1920)    458.    The Russian Dictatorship(Socialist Standard, July 1920)    499.    A Socialist View of Bolshevist Policy(Socialist Standard, July 1920)    5810. The Super-Opportunists: A Criticism of Bolshevist Policy(Socialist Standard, August 1920)    6411.   Editorial: Famine in Russia(Socialist Standard, October 1921)    6812.    The Collapse of Capitalism(Socialist Standard, February 1921)    7113.    The Passing of Lenin(Socialise Standard, March 1924)    7514.    Socialism and 'The Third International'(Socialist Standard, March 1925)    86Part III:   Bolshevik Russia: The Class Struggle Continues    9115.    The Class Struggle in Soviet Russia(Socialist Standard, December 1927)    9316.    Should the Workers Fight for Russia?(Socialist Standard, April 1928)    9917.    Russia: Land of High Profits(Socialist Standard, September 1930)    10618.    What Stalin Forgot To Mention(Socialist Standard, May 1933)    11219.    Changing Russia(Socialist Standard, September 1934)    11420. What is Wrong with Russia? The Mystery of the Trials(Socialist Standard, March 1937)    11821. Life in Soviet Russia(Socialist Standard, June 1937)    12422.    Some aspects of Russia(SocialistStandard, December 1937)    12823.    Inequality in Russia(Socialist Standard, January 1943)    132Part IV:    State Capitalism: The Nightmare Continues  13724. The Struggle for Power in Russia(Socialist Standard, February 1953)    13925.    From Lenin to Stalin(Socialist Standard, April 1953)  14226.    Cracks in the Russian Dictatorship  (Socialist Standard, May 1953)    14827.    The Russian Revolution – Its Impact on the Socialist Movement (SocialistStandard, September 1954)    15228.    Stalin the God and Stalin the Gangster(Socialist Standard, April 1956)    15729.    Stalin – the God Who Fell  (Socialist Standard, December 1961)    16030.    Russia Puts the Clock Back(Socialist Standard, June 1962)    16231.    Russian State Capitalism: Tony Cliff, Russia: A MarxistAnalysis, (International Socialism)(Socialis Standard, September 1964)    15232. Lenin: Just a Russian Revolutionary(Socialist Standard, April 1970)    17133. State Capitalism for Russia(Socialist Standard, April 1970)    17434.    Russia: Leftists in Dispute(Socialist Standard, January 1976)   17635.    Russia's Tolpuddle Martyrs(Socialist Standard, May 1978)    17936.    The Working Class in Russia(Socialist Stan dard, June 1979)   18237- What's the Russian for "Blackleg"?(Socialist Standard, November 1985)    186Part V:     Back to the Future? The Collapse of the Soviet Union    19138.    Where is Russia Going?(Socialist Standard, September 1988)    19339.    Gorbachev and the End of Communism(Socialist Standard, October 1988)    20340.    Socialism Has Not Failed(Socialist Standard, January 1990)    20941.    From Cold War to Class War(Socialist Standard, February 1990)    21442.    Marxism Versus Leninism(Socialist Standard, March 1990)    219 

    This is a fruit cake


    Many thanks, ALB, for your info.  I think my questioner may well have been concerned about paying out hard cash for stuff he has already read or could access on our website.Perhaps, the Introduction could be posted online as a taster and a helpful link to publicise the book. Is that too much to ask for by someone else who has also been crticised for making suggestions from afar?    

    DJP wrote:
    PS Publishing on Kindle is piss easy, get an account with Kindle Direct, Createspace or IngramSpark.

    So I guess it has already been done.I would do it myself but My sellers account is £148 in debit  

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Is that too much to ask for by someone else who has also been crticised for making suggestions from afar? 

    Nothing wrong with coming up with suggestions. The more the merrier.

    Vin wrote:
    DJP wrote:
    PS Publishing on Kindle is piss easy, get an account with Kindle Direct, Createspace or IngramSpark.

    So I guess it has already been done.

    Of course it hasn't been done; it's just another suggestion for someone else to act upon.  If you, Vin, or someone else is able and prepared to do it I'll raise it with the EC on Saturday.  PM me the details.


    Just because Impossibilist has unsubbed himself, is no reason why we can not continue to access his good work of compiling excellent posts, from older Standards. He puts these up on his Socialist Standard Past and Present  Blog which I am transcribing from those for our archives. You can also set up a feed directly into your own mail box with this link. http://socialiststandardmyspace.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/defaultI am currently working on the 1947 folder with some excitement as it has, an article by Paul Lafargue in April of that year on Socialism and Nationalisation, but no mention of me being born in a castle on Easter Monday. Damn.

    imposs1904 wrote:
    Apologies moderators. I'm banning myself from this forum before I get the obvious ban. And, Gnome, you're still a snide cunt.

    Seeing that this particular post is attracting several posters to use the report function I can assure you I got the message loud and clear.  


    Here are the page links in bold type to the headings Adam posted. They are useful saved to a file for easy access during online discussions and arguments with opponents I find.Introduction    9Part I :     The February Revolution: A Bourgeois Revolution    151.    The Russian Upheaval(Socialist Standard, December 1905)    172.   The Russian Revolution(Socialist Standard, April 1917)    223.    The Russian Situation(Socialist Standard, June 1917)    234.    Russia and Ourselves(Socialist Standard, July 1917)    26Part II :    The October Revolution: The Bolshevik Coup    315.    The Russian Situation(Socialist Standard, January 1918)    336.    The Revolution in Russia: Where it Fails(Socialist Standard, August 1918)    357.    Parliament or Soviet? A Critical Examination(Socialist Standard, April 1920)    458.    The Russian Dictatorship(Socialist Standard, July 1920)    499.    A Socialist View of Bolshevist Policy(Socialist Standard, July 1920)    5810. The Super-Opportunists: A Criticism of Bolshevist Policy(Socialist Standard, August 1920)    6411.   Editorial: Famine in Russia(Socialist Standard, October 1921)    6812.    The Collapse of Capitalism(Socialist Standard, February 1922)    7113.    The Passing of Lenin(Socialist Standard, March 1924)    7514.    Socialism and 'The Third International'(Socialist Standard, March 1925)    86Part III:   Bolshevik Russia: The Class Struggle Continues    9115.    The Class Struggle in Soviet Russia(Socialist Standard, December 1927)    9316.    Should the Workers Fight for Russia?(Socialist Standard, April 1928)    9917.    Russia: Land of High Profits(Socialist Standard, September 1930)    10618.    What Stalin Forgot To Mention(Socialist Standard, May 1933)    11219.    Changing Russia(Socialist Standard, September 1934)    11420. What is Wrong with Russia? The Mystery of the Trials(Socialist Standard, March 1937)    11821. Life in Soviet Russia(Socialist Standard, June 1937)    12422.    Some aspects of Russia(SocialistStandard, December 1937)    12823.    Inequality in Russia(Socialist Standard, January 1943)    132Part IV:    State Capitalism: The Nightmare Continues  13724. The Struggle for Power in Russia(Socialist Standard, February 1953)    13925.    From Lenin to Stalin(Socialist Standard, April 1953)  14226.    Cracks in the Russian Dictatorship  (Socialist Standard, May 1953)    14827.    The Russian Revolution – Its Impact on the Socialist Movement (Socialist Standard, September 1954)    15228.    Stalin the God and Stalin the Gangster(Socialist Standard, April 1956)    15729.    Stalin – the God Who Fell  (Socialist Standard, December 1961)    16030.    Russia Puts the Clock Back(Socialist Standard, June 1962)    16231.    Russian State Capitalism: Tony Cliff, Russia: A MarxistAnalysis, (International Socialism)(Socialist Standard, September 1964)    15232. Lenin: Just a Russian Revolutionary(Socialist Standard, April 1970)    17133. State Capitalism for Russia(Socialist Standard, April 1970)    17434.    Russia: Leftists in Dispute(Socialist Standard, January 1976)   17635.    Russia's Tolpuddle Martyrs(Socialist Standard, May 1978)    17936.    The Working Class in Russia(Socialist Standard, June 1979)   18237- What's the Russian for "Blackleg"?(Socialist Standard, November 1985)    186Part V:     Back to the Future? The Collapse of the Soviet Union    191 38.    Where is Russia Going? (Socialist Standard, September 1988)    193 39.    Gorbachev and the End of Communism (Socialist Standard, October 1988)    203 40.    Socialism Has Not Failed (Socialist Standard, January 1990)    209 41.    From Cold War to Class War (Socialist Standard, February 1990)    214 42.    Marxism Versus Leninism (Socialist Standard, March 1990)    219

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