Cardiff street stall

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Cardiff street stall

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  • #86074

    After 3 months absence – due to the weather – what a glorious day the 5th of May turned out to be!  With the May day rally being held at most a 100 metres away we distributed all of our stock of leaflets and handed out approximately 20 back issues of the Socialist Standard.  We had numerous conversations and made 4 serious contacts.  One of which was with a recently set up group calling themselves the Cardiff Marxist (Google).

    To top it off £7.40 was handed over in donations.   It was also agreed by the 4 comrades attending that in future when the street stall on the 1st Saturday of the month is cancelled due to the weather we have a stall on a Saturday whenever the weather is in our favour.  


    Da iawn, butt..

    Keymaster have your work cut out for you but comradely debate and discussion can go a long way to influence those who are receptive to different ideas

    alanjjohnstone wrote: have your work cut out for you but comradely debate and discussion can go a long way to influence those who are receptive to different ideas

    Which is the only realistic approach to adopt in the battle for ideas.  By all accounts this group is made up of ex-members of SPEW.


    Are Cardiff Marxist Group anything to do with Marxist World who left SPEW? If not, why did Cardiff Marxist Group leave?

    jondwhite wrote:
    Are Cardiff Marxist Group anything to do with Marxist World who left SPEW? If not, why did Cardiff Marxist Group leave?

    I only had a very brief conversation with them lasting around three minutes during which they said they had done their homework on the SPGB and were interested in meeting with us.  They did say they had left SPEW over disagreement on the class struggle.  No mention was made of 'Marxist World'.


    Including a copy of Martov's State and the Socialist Revolution. Three more are being despatched from Head Office to Cardiff. We always sell at least one of these at this sort of meeting (as at Clerkenwell on this 1 May). There seems to be some interest amongst Leninists and ex-Leninists in Marx without Lenin.

    Brian wrote:
    After 3 months absence – due to the weather – what a glorious day the 5th of May turned out to be!  With the May day rally being held at most a 100 metres away we distributed all of our stock of leaflets and handed out approximately 20 back issues of the Socialist Standard.  We had numerous conversations and made 4 serious contacts.  One of which was with a recently set up group calling themselves the Cardiff Marxist (Google).To top it off £7.40 was handed over in donations.   It was also agreed by the 4 comrades attending that in future when the street stall on the 1st Saturday of the month is cancelled due to the weather we have a stall on a Saturday whenever the weather is in our favour.  

    And, according to the grapevine, literature was sold which brought the overall total to £11.50.


    Any suggestions for other non-Lenin Marxists that might be popular that we could publish?Maybe we should consider issuing another Pannekoek pamphlet….Lenin as Philosopher?


    Maybe do Sylvia Pankhurst's two essays Future Society and Socialism with an intro by ourselves?Just an idea

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Maybe do Sylvia Pankhurst's two essays Future Society and Socialism with an intro by ourselves?Just an idea

    I don't think we need to reprint anything by Pannekoek, but those two articles by Pankhurst is a good idea. At the May Day rally in Clerkenwell the "Revolutionary Communist Group" (who publish Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism and think that workers in Britain share in the exploitation of workers in the Third World) had a banner with portraits of Sylvia Pankhurst and John Maclean. I'm not sure why they like her but in any event it's publicity for her name.


    Perhaps the RCG are recalling Pankhurst's later relationship with Abyssinia and Haile Selassie.As a compromise, we could include the Pannekoek letter to Pankhurst on Ireland – two birds with one stone. as Gnome will remind us, our pamphlet committee members may not be aware of this suggestion on this forum…and will require the possibility raised direct to their committee.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Maybe do Sylvia Pankhurst's two essays Future Society and Socialism with an intro by ourselves?Just an idea

    .  As a member of the Publications Comm, I support this suggestion.  Quite apart from anything else, it brings home the point that socialism as the Party defines it is what was generally understood to mean socialism prior to the Bolsheviks and Lenin (with his peculiar concept of socialism as meaning a "state capitalist monopoly" run in the interest of the whole people).  That apart, we need a much greater diversity of pamphlets in stock in my view so anything in that direction gets my support 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    But as Gnome will remind us, our pamphlet committee members may not be aware of this suggestion on this forum…and will require the possibility raised direct to their committee.

    Not so in the case of the present Publications Committee – at least three of its four members visit this forum regularly.

    J Surman

    Yes, here's another publications com. member endorsing this proposal. Alan, a third member, also agrees.

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