A fistful of dollars?

February 2025 Forums General discussion A fistful of dollars?

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  • #254928


    “China issued $2 billion in USD-denominated sovereign bonds in Saudi Arabia, which means that investors lent USD to the Chinese government that they promised to pay back. That’s what a bond is. So far, relatively boring.
    “What this means for the US is that China would effectively be competing with the US Treasury in the global dollar market. Instead of countries like Saudi Arabia automatically recycling their dollars into US Treasury bonds, they could put them into Chinese dollar bonds that pay the same rate.”

    So the issue is, with the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, it makes sense for national capitalists classes to invest their profits in America, if they can take their dollars elsewhere, the US is in trouble. It’s long been known that China holds enough dollars to crash the US economy if they sold up, but if they simply become, as the author states, a nation that can issue dollar bonds, then it becomes a real rival to the US.

    This could all be Chinese propaganda, but it could be a real challenge to US economic dominance, particularly if it helps restructure the dollar debt of the global south.?


    There is also this:


    Of course that gold in the ground is not worth that much. In fact it’s not worth anything. That’s only its notional value if it had been mined and processed (and that its appearance on the market wouldn’t reduce the price of gold) but the geo-strategic point at the end is valid.


    They are saying that Haiti is super rich because there is a great quantity of petroleum under the sea, they have said that it is probably bigger than Venezuela reserve, but if it is true, it does not have any value because it has not been extracted

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