Rationing during WWII was

May 2024 Forums General discussion Money-free world Rationing during WWII was


Rationing during WWII was caused by the deliberate waste of resources. After the war rationing continued so as to prevent Germany going through the same deprivations after WWI, which led to Hitler and WWII.What shortages are we envisaging? Housing we can do someting about: opening up "second homes" and hotels; converting office premises that have been used for socially useless work can be commandeered for temporary accommodation. Repairs to sub-standard housing can be addressed, with the profit motive gone.We have to reasonably assume that in the early days of socialism people will make do with the basics of life like food, clothing, shelter and medicine, and won't worry about "keeping up with the Joneses"! If people need retraining from producing tat to producing essentials, then that will be done.What we can't foresee is the "mood" of the people prior to the establishment of socialism, or the time factor involved, so we can't say when any or all of the above will start to occur.