DAP who is not on this forum

April 2024 Forums General discussion Can anyone be bothered reading this? DAP who is not on this forum


DAP who is not on this forum has sent in this contribution:Yes, it's (an ad?) from Money Week and they are known to be quite bearish, especially the editor, Merryn Somerset Webb, who also writes in the FT.There's a grain of truth of course but lots of hyperbole. YMS's comment underneath is right about not properly taking inflation into account. Big nominal numbers can be deceptive here – percentages are best.The point about gilts being in a bubble is right of course and interest rates will indeed rise as we know. But the main problem is likely to be the levels of personal debt not state debt, as these are far more serious and have risen more noticeably in the last 10-20 years. State debt is less of a problem in a relative boom, which will happen at some point, but personal debt is, as we've seen before.  But highlighting that, I guess, doesn't fit in so neatly with the obvious agenda of the writer!